Original Character Role Playing - May 20th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Original Character Role Playing

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May 20th, 2010

[May. 20th, 2010|08:42 am]

Why can't we just all get along?

We're the Church of Harmony. We'll be your safe haven - whatever you are.

Nobody knew, nobody could tell. We were just all going about our normal, everyday lives, when suddenly there were Others. Vampires, lycanthropes - even fairies! Some people panicked, but we didn't. After all, they're all God's creatures. They're all part of the Plan.

So now, while everyone else is running around screaming that Something Must Be Done, we're already doing it. We've accepted them. We're integrating. We offer sanctuary to those who need it, support to those who ask for it. We're helping the world understand that they don't have to be afraid. That there's a place for everyone. That there doesn't have to be war, death, a fight for supremacy.

They don't have to be afraid.

♦ Looking specifically for members of The Church of Harmony! Also, we're searching for residents of developing areas of the game, including Manhattan, Manchester and Colorado. All types currently available and wanted! Join Today! ♦

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[ viewing | May 20th, 2010 ]
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