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Monday, November 17th, 2014

    Time Event
    The Lost and Found

    Supernaturals are in every dark corner of the world.

    The world is filled with so many types of people, it seems near impossible to keep track of all of them. But that is what "They" do. It's unclear when "They" started, how "They" became so organized, but as long as anyone can remember, "They" have been there in the shadows, watching. Few people know who "They" really are, what "They" are called, but their purpose is well known throughout supernaturals; "They" keep you safe. Safe from the humans, safe from other supernatural species.

    Sometimes, safe from yourself.

    This is where L'académie des Objets Trouvés comes in. Affectionately called The Lost and Found, it is a school where adolescent supernaturals are taught to hone their skills, hide their telling physical attributes, and adapt to living in the world of the humans. Only .03% of the world population are supernatural, and it is only through the close monitoring and assimilation strategies of schools like this that they have continued to thrive undetected.

    The Lost and Found is a supernatural school with a complicated history and an easy premise. Players can play as students or teachers, and can choose from a variety of supernatural races (or suggest their own!). Occasional school wide plots ranging from creepy to silly help keep things lively, and players always have input. Students are between the ages of 16-19, and players must be 18+ (due to mature content).

    It's just like any other boarding school- grades, tests, dances, rumors, crushes, roommates, and bad cafeteria food. The only difference is here, your teacher really is a demon. Well... there is one additional difference, just a small, minor catch.

    You're not allowed to leave until "They" decide you're ready.


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    They call it the center of the galaxy. The eternal pulse. The crossroads of all cultures. Some call it the city planet, and some call it home. It is always noisy, and never sleeps. Every sunset, a different type of Coruscant takes over and those who never see the sun only know the darkness that is part of their every lives.

    It is vast, and in its own sense beautiful. It breathes commerce, and drinks corruption. Two sides of a coin. Two parts of the planet everyone knows, and everyone looks to. Decisions that impact starsystems are made, and in its seedy underbelly, entirely different sort of decisions are made, that have the same sort of impact.

    Every moment, ships enter out of hyperspace, and exit. Some on jobs that will save people. Some on jobs that will kill people. But there is no way to tell one from the other. That, in its essence, is Coruscant. The gleaming jewel of the universe, that sometimes you look at and see the cracks.

    Today should be no different. Ships came and left, and people went about their affairs. But it is different, because today is the day Coruscant dies.

    It starts with a whisper, and the shadow of a vessel every radar on Coruscant has no way of detecting. Alarms blare in a dozen different agencies, and like the old machine it is, Coruscant prepares.

    It makes no difference.

    The ship, vast and alien and terrifying slides out of nowhere and lays into the city planet with no mercy, and no hesitation. Coruscant, in all its pride and with all its might has no way of defending itself. It sends out ships that are shot down with barely any effort from this invader, and those who yell into comms and feel the explosions rattle their bones think 'we are not prepared. Not even after the Vong, we are not prepared'.

    It ends, as swiftly as it began. While it fires the ship sends out smaller vessels, collecting stray beings with no distinctive pattern, but only to show that it apparently can. And once the devastation is complete, once glorious Coruscant is barely anything but ashes and scattered buildings, it disappears once more.

    And so glorious Coruscant dies. With both a bang, and the whimper of its lower levels, aware of what has happened, and having no way to fight back.

    Star Wars: Legends of the Galaxy

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