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Wednesday, October 1st, 2014

    Time Event


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    Which side are you on?

    The story
    Cast list
    The Brotherhood is a modern day alternate universe rpg based out of San Francisco, CA. Supernaturals are now not only living openly, they have taken over the human race and have turned them into slaves. Humans and gifted humans are treated as nothing more than servants and food. Witches and shifters have been exiled to the hills far outside of the city, where they can’t interfere with the happenings of the new government (named The Legion). Fae (fairies) make up the middle class citizens- those that are not thought of as slaves or servants, but are not hold as much power as the vampires and the werewolves. The werewolves and vampires now rule our world, and do so with an iron grip.

    The witches and shifters, in their exiled state, have banned together and formed a resistance, named The Brotherhood, in order to one day destroy the Legion and have all races be free and equal. People that are not witches or shifters are more than welcome to be a part of the Brotherhood, so long as they are against the government. The Brotherhood carries out covert missions with the intention of ridding the world of the power that the Legion holds over it.

    Once a month, a Purge is held- an event ‘hosted’ by the Legion in which a select group of slaves are allowed freedom within the city of San Francisco to do whatever they please- No rules, no laws, just pure freedom for one night. During those 12 hours (from 8pm-8am), all supernatural must be in their houses, and are not allowed to leave until it is over. However, during those 12 hours, randomly selected members of the Legion are allowed to hunt the freed slaves, much like animals on a safari. If the slave makes it through the night and stays alive, they are taken back to their master and awarded one week off from their duties.

    If a werewolf, vampire, or fae is accused and found guilty of a heinous crime (IE: the killing of a Legion member, treason, being a member of the Brotherhood, etc) they may be put into slavery and made to do a Purge night as well.

    WARNING: This game contains adult situations and dark themes, including (but not limited to)- sex, death, blood, torture, non-con, kidnapping, etc. If you are under 18, or uncomfortable with any sort of NC-17 situations, you may want to click here to return to the front page and find your way to a new game.

    Game opened September 8th

    Glee in NYC
    a season 4 au rpg
    This is an AU Season 4 game. We're going to pick up after Kurt has joined Rachel in NYC and go from there. Everything to that point is considered canon, but after that the world is our playground. Between college rivalries, balancing work and school, expanding social circles and experiencing all that NYC has to offer, life is never boring.

    Glee NYC is an OC friendly game, but any canon character not in high school during S4 is available to play. Check out the links below, and join today! Game starts with 10 applications.

    Most Wanted: Rachel Berry!, Santana Lopez, Jesse St James, Adam Crawford, Eliott Gilbert, NYADA students and professors, Kurt and Rachel's neighbors, MANY MORE
    Dropbox · Rules · Holds/Taken · Application

    We thought that the end of the world was the worst thing we could live through. We were wrong.

    250 years ago, society collapsed in fire. Nuclear missiles rained down on cities, soldiers fought in the streets. Bombs and terrorists and disease ran rampant, leaving the former world in ruins. Entire countries vanished overnight, while others limped into a slow death, and began to fade away.

    Small bands of survivors tried to make it work among the devastation, but few made it, succumbing to fallout, radiation, the remnants of plagues or the reavers of the new world. Eventually, even they went quiet.

    Some saw the end coming before it did, and prepared. They went into shelters, deep in the ground, only emerging when it seemed safe. But their supplies couldn't last. When they came into the world, they took over the ruins of London, now known as the Hollow, building walls thirty feet high and creating a new society.

    Life was hard in the new world, though. Our technology was primitive, scavenged and bolted together from the last advances before the Earth ceased to be. Food didn't grow, plant life was scarce. Even the sky was tainted by what had come before it, the rain now burning what it landed on, the wind carrying viruses we'd never seen before.

    The only way to manage the city, which as far as they knew was the only bastion of civilisation left, was control. Thus, the new society fragmented into component parts, each working towards a common goal. The Rangers would be repsonsible for going outside of the Wall, searching for food, technology, anything to help us survive, and for charting the bizarre new life developing n the wasteland. The Guilds would manage the industrial, agricultural and commercial life in the city. The Sages would maintain the knowledge of the city, and see to the health of its citizens. The Justicars would enforce order among the populace, and the Divine, always there even in the darkest hours, would see to the spiritual needs of the people. A governing council drawn from all parts of the city would oversee its civil operation.

    The city has been here for over 100 years now, and we are the next generation. We're free within the bounds of the Hollow, but we all have to follow the rules. Otherwise, we're cast out, and become the Forgotten, exiles doomed to a short, brutish life beyond the safety of the Hollow. For many, there is nothing beyond the walls.

    For others, we wonder if there could be something more.
    Fade Away is a play-by-journal role-playing game. Players take on the role of a character and interact with other players through creative writing, or role playing, of various scenarios. Posts can be written in a solo, bilateral or group fashion. The genre of Fade Away is, broadly speaking, science fiction, with a heavy post-apocalyptic bent.


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