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Saturday, September 20th, 2014

    Time Event


    MODS  •  RPG  •  OOC

    Which side are you on?

    The story
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    The Brotherhood is a modern day alternate universe rpg based out of San Fransisco, CA. Supernaturals are now not only living openly, they have taken over the human race and have turned them into slaves. Humans and gifted humans are treated as nothing more than servants and food. Witches and shifters have been exiled to the hills far outside of the city, where they can’t interfere with the happenings of the new government (named The Legion). Fae (fairies) make up the middle class citizens- those that are not thought of as slaves or servants, but are not hold as much power as the vampires and the werewolves. The werewolves and vampires now rule our world, and do so with an iron grip.

    The witches and shifters, in their exiled state, have banned together and formed a resistance, named The Brotherhood, in order to one day destroy the Legion and have all races be free and equal. People that are not witches or shifters are more than welcome to be a part of the Brotherhood, so long as they are against the government. The Brotherhood carries out covert missions with the intention of ridding the world of the power that the Legion holds over it.

    Once a month, a Purge is held- an event ‘hosted’ by the Legion in which a select group of slaves are allowed freedom within the city of San Francisco to do whatever they please- No rules, no laws, just pure freedom for one night. During those 12 hours (from 8pm-8am), all supernatural must be in their houses, and are not allowed to leave until it is over. However, during those 12 hours, randomly selected members of the Legion are allowed to hunt the freed slaves, much like animals on a safari. If the slave makes it through the night and stays alive, they are taken back to their master and awarded one week off from their duties.

    If a werewolf, vampire, or fae is accused and found guilty of a heinous crime (IE: the killing of a Legion member, treason, being a member of the Brotherhood, etc) they may be put into slavery and made to do a Purge night as well.

    WARNING: This game contains adult situations and dark themes, including (but not limited to)- sex, death, blood, torture, non-con, kidnapping, etc. If you are under 18, or uncomfortable with any sort of NC-17 situations, you may want to click here to return to the front page and find your way to a new game.

    Game opened September 8th

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