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Sunday, August 17th, 2014

    Time Event
    The Year Above

    The Year Above is a long-term game which follows one group of Hogwarts students through their school career and beyond. We begin in 1990 with our young people starting Hogwarts and the first year (the year before Harry Potter attends Hogwarts) will be mainly a social game, with events becoming darker and more complicated in later years as we follow the timeline of the books. How will they react to Harry Potter starting Hogwarts? Muggle-borns being petrified? A crazed killer being on the loose from Azkaban? The game emphasis is on character development and will provide the opportunity for a truly representative experience of the rise and fall of friendships, the highs and lows of growing up, and how 'ordinary' people are affected by war.



    "It does not matter where or why, but who we are."

    The world is filled with so many types of people, it seems near impossible to keep track of all of them. But that is what "They" do. It's unclear when "They" started, how "They" became so organized, but as long as anyone can remember, "They" have been there in the shadows, watching. Few people know who "They" really are, what "They" are called, but their purpose is well known throughout supernaturals; "They" keep you safe. Safe from the humans, safe from other supernatural species.

    Sometimes, safe from yourself.

    This is where L'académie des Objets Trouvés comes in. Affectionately called The Lost and Found, it is a school where supernaturals are taught to hone their skills, hide their telling physical attributes, and adapt to living in the world of the humans. Only .03% of the world population are supernatural, and it is only through the close monitoring and assimilation strategy of schools like this that they have continued to thrive undetected.

    The Lost and Found is a supernatural school with a complicated history and an easy premise. Players can play as students or teachers, and can choose from a variety of supernatural races (or suggest their own!). It's just like any other boarding school- grades, tests, dances, rumors, crushes, roommates, and bad cafeteria food. The only difference is here, your teacher really is a demon. Well... there is one additional difference, just a small, minor catch.

    You're not allowed to leave until "They" decide you're ready.


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