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Monday, September 13th, 2010

    Time Event

    [info]aberrancy + [info]aberrantworld + [info]informantnet + [info]aberrantooc
    fandoms + taken characters + holds + locations

    The year is 2020 and everything has gone to Hell in a handbasket. Back in 2012 that whole "oh god, the world is ending" totally happened. Maybe not with as much doom and destruction as those Mayan people predicted, but it still sucks pretty hard. Overnight, America (and the rest of the world) was thrown into the dark ages. Ever since, we've been trying to catch up to what we used to be.

    No one knows exactly what caused it. After all, there are a lot of culprits. Enhanced humans, the Hellmouth, and heck, even terrorists have all had the finger of blame and shame pointed at them. Who knows and really... who cares? He said, she said, they said doesn't really matter anymore. What matters is trying to survive in this brave new world.

    Aberrant World is a post-Apocalyptic, AU multi-fandom game that combines the worlds of a handful of fandoms and thrusts characters into an environment were the world is trying to rebuild and the average joe is trying to survive. We accept canon characters from a variety of television shows/books as well as original characters.


    George Lucas has provided us with a sprawling, endless universe of people and aliens alike, planets, droids, and the Force. Everyone knows the stories of the Old Republic, Darth Vader, and Luke Skywalker. Everyone knows about the Clone Wars and the Yuuzhan Vong.

    But what if none of that mattered?

    Here, you'll still find the Galactic Republic. There are still Sith and Jedi. Smugglers are still transporting goods along the Kessel Run and there are still those opposing the government. But that's just the daily grind here in the Galaxy. There's no Clone War on the horizon, no threat of galactic annihilation. It's just life.

    The Galaxy is a completely AU RPG set in the Star Wars universe. Here, the events that take place in the Star Wars canon have never happened and, instead, life simply goes on in the galaxy as humans and other beings alike all try to eke out a living in their universe. Absolutely no knowledge of the films, video games, books, or comics are required.

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