Oct. 2nd, 2010


I HAVE ELECTRICITY!!! as of last night. so now that I'm pretty much caught up, everyone can cheer! sooooo who wants my kiddos? Ruby is pretty much in Lawrence, but I can thread her with anyone at all who happens to be in Lawrence (cept maybe Dean, because she's not looking to die again). Anna and Willow are in LA. Anna is probably a no-go for a week or so, but after that probably anyone who would not threaten her or her fetus would be awesome to thread with. And Willow can be anywhere any time, cuz she's got the magics, so I can thread her with anyone at all for any reason. PLOT WITH ME PEOPLE! PLOT PLOT PLOT!! (i'm on aim, too, btw, so you can poke me there)

Sep. 29th, 2010


hey guys, alicia here. this is my new one, Anna Milton. she was brought back by Castiel about 6 months ago cuz he felt guilty or something. so she's only human. except she's only human and knocked up with Castiel's angel spawn, that's what you get when you seduce the guy you used to boss around. (there is a log of explaining which sascha & i did and if i can find it, i will post it backdated) umm, she went into hiding as soon as she found out and is currently shacked up in Crowley's demon/angel-proof mansion for the sake of protecting herself & her kiddo. Crowley obviously has his own agenda with that one. and umm, she's probably easily findable by the human sort, you know tracking her down detective-like, but not by magical means.

also, still no electricity! it is supposed to be on tonight, but i'm not holding my breath. i've been online while the boy is napping at work & in the mornings/evenings at barnes & noble sometimes but that's about it. irregardless, my kiddos need plot! Ruby needs to run into people, like Daddy Winchester cuz that thread would be made of win. Or Jo, for the lulz. And if anyone wants Anna, I can find a reason for her to leave the safety of Crowley's watchful eye. And Willow needs lots of plot, she is open for ANYTHING AT ALL. poke me! i'm almost always on mobile aim and almost always available :D

Sep. 24th, 2010


Damon Salvatore

Hello! I'm Bridget and I'll be playing Damon Salvatore from The Vampire Diaries. He's a vampire who saw his last mortal days during the end of the Civil War. He was a Confederate soldier. Damon fell for the wrong girl and now here he is as one of the undead. He's a big thorn in his brother's side. He is impulsive and could turn off his conscience any time he feels the urge. Though he hides it very well, he still has a heart. Damon is always ready to do whatever it takes to protect the few people he actually cares about. He's usually not willing to give up his own personal agenda to help others, though. I would LOOOOVE to plot with you guys. I am up for anything.


Hey there! I'm Kassi and I'm bringing unto the fold Max Guevara, from the Dark Angel 'verse. Max is currently running herself into the ground trying to manage all the Transgenics in Terminal City, with a little help from her wonderful second in command; Alec. (I honestly can't tell if she's being sarcastic or not....)

So. Yes. Plot. And stuff. I'm on AIM: dipandnunchucks but usually email is the best way to get ahold of me: epicallysirius@gmail.com


Misha here, with my second contribution to the community. Some of you already know him. This is Crowley. After Sammy said yes to Lucifer, Crowley wisely went into hiding. He maintained his hiding even after Sammy drop kicked Lucifer into the pit. Forgive him, he just wasn't and isn't willing to beleive Lucy is out of the picture for good.

In recent years, he's been keeping watch on Sam Winchester because if Lucifer manages to escape the cage again, Crowley's pretty sure Lucy will go gunning for Sam and try to reclaim his vessel. Crowley wants to make sure that doesn't happen, and he's got a plan to try and stop the devil from taking over and destroying what's left of the world. Not that it matters, the world is slowly destroying itself, but that's neither here nor there.

Crowley has been aware of Ruby's escape from Hell all along. I imagine he'd been keeping tabs on her too. It's entirely possible she led him to Sam, or maybe he led her to Sam. It's worth exploring, maybe. Point is, he's very much aware of Sam and Ruby and their little suburban family experiment.

Crowley has had little contact with other demons since the events that concluded SPN S5. He knows Dean is around, but he hasn't bothered to watch him, since Sam has had no contact with his brother, he figures Dean's out of the game.

I've got to get back to work, but hey. It's Friday. And Crowley will probably intro himself tonight. Whoo hoo.


hey guys, my roomie is neglectful and so we have no electricity at my apartment. i'm at starbucks right now. so i dunno when i'll have electricity again and how much i'll be able to get online until then. i'm going to try and stay at my parents' this weekend, but we'll see how that goes. just thought i'd give yall a heads up.

Sep. 22nd, 2010


Jason Stackhouse: Where are you now?

I'm right here! Hellooooooo!

This is Jason, and he's a whole ton of sex and a little bit of seriousness. Although, with everything that has been going on he's a little more serious than he was before.

Still likes sex though.

He'll be trying to make sure that his family is safe (obviously). Very easily can see him becoming a hunter, he's already a good amount of the way there. But yeah, feel free to hit me up. I'm a nice enough person, at least that's what I've been told!


Hi~ This is Ash with (mostly) everyone's favorite psychotic transgenic, Ben. Yes, he's very much alive. Blame Manticore for that. They managed to bring him back after getting to his body and he was stuck there until the place burned down. Ben got out in time and went back into hiding. But since transgenics are pretty known now, he's out in the open. Even thinking about TC. 

I'm around for plotting on aim under acoldburden.

Looking forward to playing him here~


aaand i still have to keyword her icons. fml.

Hey there! To go along with the string of introductions: Hello there, I'm Pink, bringing you Winifred Burkle of Angel fame. She's a scientific genius (literally), currently holed up in the Hyperion hotel, where she splits her time between fighting evil and doing science for great justice. Info on why she's back is in her journal, but the long and short of it is her soul was removed from her body before Illyria consumed it (thus Illyria is still a playable character), and floated around for awhile until a certain Good Witch of the East could find the right ritual and ingredients to reconstruct her a body. The whole thing was not a fun process, and she's a bit less trusting of strangers since finding out her almost-boyfriend was the one who did it to her, so I'll be playing her with a slightly harder edge than when she's last seen in the series. But it's all sweet, adorable Taco Belle underneath.

So! Feel free to run into her evil fighting if you're around LA, or for any other reason you can think of. For contact, PMing or commenting on her app post (comments screened) is best. Looking forward to being here. Stay classy!


Hi all!

My name is Sascha and I'm bringing in the angel Castiel who is currently dividing his time between trying to settle the cuffuffle in Heaven and trying to settle the cuffuffle on Earth. On weekends he sunbakes on his yacht "The Saucy Beaver." He is very much up for plot of any sort short of actual dinosaurs though, mostly, he'll just look at you funny.

Just so you know, I'm in Australia so I'm posting from the future. It is inconvenient but all attempts to have my continent moved closer to the Greenwich Meridian have failed.

Hit me up?


Hi guys. I'm Alicia. This is Ruby from Supernatural. Its the crack of dawn and I just got woken up from a crappy crappy dream so I don't have much to say, but I thought I'd say hi as I procrastinate my shower that may or may not happen. Hi. Feel free to poke me on aim for plots or whatnot. Umm, I'm central timezone & I'm a nanny so my work hours are CRAZY but I'm on off and on all day during work anyway. And umm... Hi!


Hello :D I'm Ally and I'm here to bring Claire Bennet to the game. Claire has been out living her life and going to college to study medicine but with the end of the world happening she got thrust into the field with her medicine bag and her magic blood. So yes, lines would be awesome and much fun to be had I'm sure.

I'm in Australia so I'll usually be on in your night time so you know, my aim is timeconverges and my email is ilike_thequiet@yahoo.com if you want to get a hold of me.

I'm looking forward to playing :D

Sep. 21st, 2010


Misha here, with my current number one boy, Sammy Winchester. Sammy's back from hell, he doesn't even know how or why or anything. He just sort of found himself topside, after throwing himself Lucifer into the pit. He's laid low, in the years since, though he's kept an eye on Dean he hasn't contacted his brother.

Sammy has become terribly antisocial, so I'm going to have to work on that with him. Especially if we have a Ruby coming in to throw him off kilter all over again. But I'm sure it's going to be fun! Sammy and I are up for whatever plot and play you can think of.

I'm usually on AIM (CeruleanInzanity]) in the evenings. I can check email on my phone when I'm at work (CelticFaerie2x[at]gmail.com) and sometimes I throw out a tag or three on my lunch break, but I'm a teacher so I don't have much daytime availability.