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Friday, November 27th, 2009

    Time Event
    Dark Mark Rising
    Danger is lurking right around the corner
    Dark Mark Rising is an adult marauder's era RPG with dark themes and opposing forces.

    Wanted: KINGSLEY SHACKLEBOLT, RITA SKEETER, MARLENE MCKINNON, Dolores Umbridge, Mafalda Hopkirk, Florean Fortescue, Otto Bagman, Mundungus Fletcher, Dirk Cresswell, Amos Diggory, Mulciber, Barnabus Cuffe, OCs

    *DMR is just coming off a member chosen hiatus (November was a busy month!) Re-opening December 1st!
    About the Game
    Is that darkness, or is that hope?
    The year is 1976, and the marauders have entered their sixth year. There has been talk in pureblood families of a 'Dark Lord', a man who's sole interest is purifying the wizarding world of muggles and muggleborns. He has enlisted the help of Hogwarts students, staff, and men living in Hogsmeade. With these minions, Lord Voldemort has already attacked many muggleborns, blood traitors, and Hogwarts. With the increasing attacks on Hogwarts, Headmaster Dumbledore has been given few options. After a muggleborn's death, the Headmaster has decided to lock the school. The Ministry of Magic has sent Hogwarts four aurors to help protect students and screen mail. No one gets in, and no one gets out. For now, Hogwarts has been at a lull - but how long will it last? Many students believe the attacks are coming from within Hogwarts, and fear the worst.

    What are the students to do? Headmaster Dumbledore has come up with the only possibly solution - he needs help. He needs a group of trusted people to fight back, and so begins the Order of the Phoenix. Slowly but surely these young witches and wizards will be trained to fight and protect themselves.

    Where does your path lie?
    Places to Go
    New to us? Great! We love new faces. One of us? Even better - we already love you.
    Nearside :: City Based - 17 & Up

    Welcome to Nearside, Pennsylvania!

    Nearside is a city on the verge of mainstream development, located in Central Pennsylvania next to the Carlton Mountain. Built by a collective community of artists, Nearside is a unique city of locally owned businesses, farmer's markets, and a thriving force of creativity. Solaris Rd. is the most popular section of the city, offering everything from a popular coffee house (a place for local bands, speed dating, karaoke nights, and much more) to a costume shop and a yoga studio to a daycare for Nearside's youngest residents, the city has countless amenities.

    Several years ago a university was built and with it, there has been a rapid growth of corporate business and mainstream entertainment but the residents still focus on keeping Nearside's close-knit, small town charm.

    *Mod Note: Nearside is a social game, focused on character development and looking for serious writers. You won't find zombies, murders, big-name celebrities, vampires, or people waving around magical wands. Nearside is a game where talented writers have a chance to simply play out various storylines in a relaxed atmosphere. You can either own/work at a shop or just be a loyal fan, the mods are only looking for dedicated writers who are in the mood for a fun game.

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