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Saturday, October 24th, 2009

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    Slaughter - An Inglourious Basterds RPG



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    Nazi forces invaded the country of France in May of 1940, officially solidifying their position as occupiers and the hands that held the leash of the French people on the 22nd of June. Homes are raided, the people are watched by angry German eyes, and lives are torn asunder as the Nazis search for Jewish families in their twisted hatred of the people.

    A very different force invaded the country of France in the very beginnings of 1941. Led by Lt. Aldo Raine, eight Jewish-American soldiers were dropped behind enemy lines for one purpose, and one purpose only. Killing Nazis.

    It is now 1943, and the Germans are well aware of what monsters lurk within France’s borders. The monsters besides themselves, at least. At night the men whisper horror stories they heard second or third hand about monstrous individuals; among them, Aldo the Apache and the Bear Jew, an enormous man who beats Nazi soldiers to death with a baseball bat inscribed with the curses of his people. They also speak of a man who used to be counted among their number, a man named Hugo Stiglitz, who suddenly snapped and left a trail of bloody and mangled SS officers in his wake.

    There are more individuals at work within Nazi Occupied France than just frightened German soldiers and a brutal group of Americans, The Jew Hunter, SS Col. Hans Landa, has made it part of his mission to destroy the Basterds. The French Resistance is silently conspiring in the background, in bars and brothels, to bring down their German oppressors.

    Jews, Christians, Nazis, Basterds, each have their own agenda, and their own mission. Which side will you ally yourself with?

    Slaughter is an Original Character-friendly game based on the movie Inglourious Basterds by Quentin Tarantino.


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