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Friday, October 23rd, 2009

    Time Event
    I know it's a longshot... buuuuttttt.....
    Looking for a player to fill a storyline:
    Me: I'm Missy, and I play a lot. I'm a pretty good writer, if I do say so myself. I'm active and very friendly, though I'm a bit shy over aim.
    Character: Dorcas Mullet, sister to Mopsa Mullet-future Quidditch star. She's an Auror, stationed at Hogwarts to help maintain peace and order.
    Storyline wanted: Dorcas needs a boy.

    I'm looking for my Meadowes. This is Dorcas Mullet, and she needs to be Dorcas Meadowes. So, Dorcas needs a love interest. I'm not fussed on PBs, or anything. He could be a fellow Auror or a teacher at Hogwarts... whatever you like. Just looking for someone to play her future husband in [info]darkmark_rising. You can comment here, check out the game, or PM me for more details or to inquire.

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