November 2016

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October 9th, 2016

[info]originalfangs in [info]obstruct

Hi, everyone! I'm Chele and I am SO HAPPY to be here! Right now I just have Rebekah Mikaelson from The Vampire Diaries/The Originals. She's coming from a point where she and her family are back in New Orleans, she left, in a with body, to search for a way to bring back her dead (again) brother, Kol. Though she fell into a trap and her witch body was killed and her consciousness was forced back into a vampire body. Fun times!

I suck at intros so...hi!

[info]endless_wonder in [info]obstruct

So I'm terrible and completely forgot to introduce myself! Bad me!

Hi! I'm Nny and my being here is 100% Valerie's fault. But also I'm a complete RP addict.

My first kidlet is Steve Rogers from Avengers Academy. He's very into training, running laps, and doing the Charleston. Very much the do gooder of the game. He believes in Teamwork and rescuing kittens from trees.

My newest is this girl right here. Claudia Donovan from the show Warehouse 13. She's quirky, strange, and very sarcastic. She's a techno genius and a talented hacker. she's also the caretaker of the warehouse which makes her pretty much immortal for the time being!

I'm up for any and all plots. I actually require them to survive.

Please don't let me die!

[info]elgran in [info]obstruct

Lol. Hi. It's Kaitlin again with her second character. This is Luna Lovegood. She's from the Battle at the Department of Mysteries, so she's going to be momentarily confused, but also this muggle stuff is different from her usual life. AND IT WILL BE SUPER COOL. Everyone be jelly.

Idk. I'm down for all the things. Please love me and my insanity.

[info]intercept in [info]obstruct

October's OOC Challenge

This month's theme is Halloween.

Around the middle of each month, I'm going to post an OOC challenge. These challenges will be somewhat based on Whose Line is it Anyway and other Improv games. This month, because it's the first month, we'll try to keep things simple. The challenge will just be to "Have A Conversation about a _______"

How to Participate
1. Leave a Comment (Screened) with 1-3 of your characters. Depending on how many people sign up, I may be able to partner up all 3 of your characters, but if I can't, make sure your numbers 1 and 2 are the ones you really want to do the challenge with.

2. In your comment, also include suggestions for what the conversations should be about. Like:
Have A Conversation about a: Haunting / Zombies / Eyeballs

3. I'll make a post next Saturday with everyone's pairings. Of the pairings, one person will know what the theme is and the other person will be responsible for instigating the conversation. And we'll see how it goes!

[info]parrviolet in [info]obstruct

Hi! I lied, it's Chele and this is Violet Parr. She's from The Incredibles, but more importantly she's from [info]thedoorwaymods. So she lived in New York City for a year, made a ton of friends, did the whole superhero thing, and made the decision to stay when it came time for people to choose if they want to go home or not. There will be a lot of people she recognizes, even if they all might not know her. You'll eventually be her friend.