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Nov. 7th, 2016


November - Plot Calendar

Sorry for the delay! Here's the plot calendar for this month :)

Calendar Nov 2016 )

Nov. 1st, 2016


Plot Calendar

Due to the fact we're down to one mod, and I have a lot of school work due this week - (Monday I had an exam, tomorrow I have a presentation and a paper due, and another presentation on Thursday) - November's Plot Calendar will be delayed until the weekend.

But - that also means that if you have any suggestions for plot prompts, you still have time to get them in! Comments on this entry will be screened. :)

Also, because it was the first month and because people were still settling, there will be no official check-in for October's activity. Activity rules will apply at the end of November.

Oct. 24th, 2016


State-Change: The Last of Us

Every month there will be some kind of State-Change plot. There will be two kinds. The first kind is a "character centred" State-Change, meaning the age, gender, genre etc of your character will change. The second type is "world centred" meaning the world itself will change. This month, it's the second type.

The new universe is unstable, and as such, it might sometimes "shift" to resemble another world. This month, in honour of Halloween, it's going to resemble the horror video game "The Last of Us"

If you're not familiar with the game, that's fine. All you need to know is that the world outside of the Avengers Mansion is now a post-apocalyptic landscape circa 2012. Here is a link to the Pop Culture influences of that year Here, so you'll find ruined Twilight Saga posters up in the windows of destroyed stores, etc.

Buildings will be abandoned, and the landscape of the city will mostly be deserted, except for... zombies!

"Last of Us" zombies are infected with a fungus, so they're fast, crazy and dangerous. Information on the infected can be found here!

For the purposes of this plot, all the characters who have been brought to this world are immune to the virus. So if your character comes in contact with the zombie spores or is bitten, they won't turn into a zombie, but they can freak the hell out about it. There are plot prompts on the calendar regarding this state-change, but feel free to play around in the world. Get stuck places, have issues finding needed supplies, or send out your own distress calls after being cornered by gross zombies!

The State-Change happens the moment this post goes up. And if you have any questions about the plot, or the zombies, please respond to this post. You can also use it to talk about or plot your own mini-stories or events in this post.

Have fun! :D

Oct. 23rd, 2016


Veritaserum Meme - OOC Meme

Here we go! Your character has been dosed with Veritaserum! Meaning they can only tell the truth to whatever is asked of them.

1. To participate, post with your character.
2. Feel free to ask other characters questions. They can be ooc questions that you, as a player, want to ask or they can be IC.

Either way, nothing that's asked here carries over into game. It's all OOC knowledge and meant to be fun times! Groovy :3

Oct. 19th, 2016


I just want to say that all of you are amazing, and that I'm loving this game so much already! It seriously makes me want to pick up a third, but I have no idea who.

Really though, you guys are awesome and this is a lot of fun!

Oct. 18th, 2016


Hullo all! Nox here with a 4th (and probably last, unless I get enabled).

This is Durin Aeducan, otherwise known as the Warden, who is the main protagonist of Dragon Age: Origins. He happens to be a dwarf but doesn't let that stop him from doing anything he puts his mind to. Class-wise, he is a warrior, armed with a weapon and shield. His canon point is the final DLC of Origins, Witch Hunt. He's just watched his friend and mother of his child, Morrigan, walk away through a magical mirror.

Obviously, you can read his application to get a thorough understanding of this chap but I am super excited to be playing him, and I'm looking forward to him interacting with everybody.

Oct. 9th, 2016


Hi! I lied, it's Chele and this is Violet Parr. She's from The Incredibles, but more importantly she's from [info]thedoorwaymods. So she lived in New York City for a year, made a ton of friends, did the whole superhero thing, and made the decision to stay when it came time for people to choose if they want to go home or not. There will be a lot of people she recognizes, even if they all might not know her. You'll eventually be her friend.


October's OOC Challenge

This month's theme is Halloween.

Around the middle of each month, I'm going to post an OOC challenge. These challenges will be somewhat based on Whose Line is it Anyway and other Improv games. This month, because it's the first month, we'll try to keep things simple. The challenge will just be to "Have A Conversation about a _______"

How to Participate
1. Leave a Comment (Screened) with 1-3 of your characters. Depending on how many people sign up, I may be able to partner up all 3 of your characters, but if I can't, make sure your numbers 1 and 2 are the ones you really want to do the challenge with.

2. In your comment, also include suggestions for what the conversations should be about. Like:
Have A Conversation about a: Haunting / Zombies / Eyeballs

3. I'll make a post next Saturday with everyone's pairings. Of the pairings, one person will know what the theme is and the other person will be responsible for instigating the conversation. And we'll see how it goes!


Lol. Hi. It's Kaitlin again with her second character. This is Luna Lovegood. She's from the Battle at the Department of Mysteries, so she's going to be momentarily confused, but also this muggle stuff is different from her usual life. AND IT WILL BE SUPER COOL. Everyone be jelly.

Idk. I'm down for all the things. Please love me and my insanity.


So I'm terrible and completely forgot to introduce myself! Bad me!

Hi! I'm Nny and my being here is 100% Valerie's fault. But also I'm a complete RP addict.

My first kidlet is Steve Rogers from Avengers Academy. He's very into training, running laps, and doing the Charleston. Very much the do gooder of the game. He believes in Teamwork and rescuing kittens from trees.

My newest is this girl right here. Claudia Donovan from the show Warehouse 13. She's quirky, strange, and very sarcastic. She's a techno genius and a talented hacker. she's also the caretaker of the warehouse which makes her pretty much immortal for the time being!

I'm up for any and all plots. I actually require them to survive.

Please don't let me die!


Hi, everyone! I'm Chele and I am SO HAPPY to be here! Right now I just have Rebekah Mikaelson from The Vampire Diaries/The Originals. She's coming from a point where she and her family are back in New Orleans, she left, in a with body, to search for a way to bring back her dead (again) brother, Kol. Though she fell into a trap and her witch body was killed and her consciousness was forced back into a vampire body. Fun times!

I suck at intros so...hi!

Oct. 8th, 2016


*waves*Hi everybody (HI DR NICK!)I'm Michelle and I'm New!I'm also bringing in a couple super super obscure, rare peeps.

The first being Dennis Rafkin from 13 ghosts. ([info]lilbitofafreak) For those that don't know who Dennis is? Think of every horror movie you can, and picture that one person whose always convinced that the killer is around every corner. Now amp that paranoia up times 2000 and you have Dennis! He's also a physic, where in if he even he brushes against someone he can see their entire life, no matter how much he doesn't want to. Which, surprisingly, hasn't made him any less social, just brutally honest.

Secondly is someone who should be in every game. The king of Acme Woods, Bugs Bunny. He's gonna be post Space Jam, since I don't remember if they ever had an updated Loony Tunes after that (and no,the 2011 one doesn't count bc it was horrible.)He's gonna be human for now, which will be seriously confusing for him.

I'm generally around in the afternoons on weekdays since I work a lot, and all the time on weekends. thenalongcamezuess if you feel like hunting me down!


~R here with a new character and a few modly updates.

New character - This is Victoria Hand, of Agent of SHIELD's first season. She's back. She's alive, and she's here to help whip new shield into shape more effectively than you can say "Hail Hydra". She's really cool, very gay and very much no-nonsense, with a dry sense of wit and a sharp sense of loyalty.

Mod things!

1. The Plot Calendar is full of volunteer spots that are still open. Drop by and sign up for a couple if you see anything you like! Later on in the month, there's a plot for characters who sign up to get items from home, so if there's anything you want you might want to hop in on that! Sign up by replying to the corresponding day's comment :)

2. Tag your posts with your character tags! It just helps at the end of the month for activity. If a character is missing their tag, leave a comment here and I'll add it right away!

3. Would people be interested in weekly/bi-weekly OOC writing memes and games? And what kinds of plots would you like to see more of in the future?

4. How's it going so far, guys? I have midterms next week, and I'm travelling both this weekend and next weekend so I might be a little AWOL, but is there anything I can do for anyone?


Nox here with Bucky Barnes! Which makes him the fourth one in the game. We're collecting them. This Bucky is from an AU version of the MCU so he'll obviously have some differences to the canon MCU Bucky, but there will still be a lot that's similar so potential confusion for both of them all round. Also, this Bucky does still have his vibranium arm because his Tony Stark didn't blow it off.

Oct. 7th, 2016


jessi with harley quinn from suicide squad and... pam beesly, from the office. please enjoy them.


Hi darlings.

Christie, back with another, this is Pamela Isley. Better known as Poison Ivy. I have her from the DC Cinematic Universe (though, technically she doesn't exist there. It's not like Gotham would notice another supervillain, amirite?). She enjoys plants. That's about it. She's an aspiring eco-terrorism just looking for her niche :D.

You can read more about her here

Oct. 4th, 2016


Hi darlings! Christie again with a lady this time.

This is Pepper Potts. She thinks Pepper thoughts and sometimes frets herself in Pepper knots. But people still like Pepper lots. And Pepper flies in Pepper bots when she takes notes she Pepper jots.'s what Pepper bought. And this is all some Pepper whats.

Basically, 616 Pepper Potts. No longer works with Tony, still does her whole Rescue gig independently / on-call for the Avengers. And during Axis she bought Salon Media Group (owners of so that's what she's busy doing.

She's more than willing to hire people. Advertise any fraudulent presidential runs to split the Trump vote, or link you to her favorite curated lifestyle blogs. Be her friend.

Or be like Tony Stark.

Oct. 3rd, 2016


Hullo all, Nox here again -- this time with Daisy Johnson of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, although she's better known as the mysterious vigilante named Quake these days. She's from Season 4 of AoS and has been doing things on her own for a few months now, following all the events of the Season 3 finale. I won't ramble on about her because most of us know who she is and whatnot. Anyway, she's not too sure what to make of being here but I'm sure part of her will be glad to see others from her own universe!


Hiiii. I'm Kaitlin and I am here because my bff Jellyfish told me to come hang out with her b/c she needed me and Daisy. Ummmm. I'm currently being the coolest human alive and I have three cats (Rufus, Isaac, and Owen). They will probably interrupt me a lot of times or just not look at me like Rufus is doing right now. I'm from Maryland because that's what's up. Oh! And I'm going to be 29 in precisely 3 days. Yay me! Uhhhh. Idek what else to say about me except that I hope you will all at least tolerate my weird/awkward ways. If you love Velociraptors like I love Velociraptors, you can assume that we're going to be friends immediately. I'm usually on AIM at incleardreams so you can reach me there. Or via e-mail at

Jellyfish already mentioned about the Avengers Academy game, but Daisy is part of the academy and she's pretty much worried about losing control of her powers 24/7. Inside she is always anxious. Okay. Outside she is always anxious, too. Lbr. BUUUUUUUT she is trying and she's working on having her own voice...EVEN IF SOMEBODY *coughFurycough* IS TRYING TO TELL HER HE DOESN'T WANT TO HEAR IT. sjdkalf. Soooo woo? Party party. sjdaklf. Also she randomly has crushes on both Steve and possibly Loki in the game, so you're all welcome. But Loki is mostly...does she want to hug him or punch him when he's around her? She's never sure. It changes. Buuut yes. I'm ready for her to have all the friends and I will try to be the most awesome.

Oct. 1st, 2016


Hi! I'm Jessi, I'm 32 years old and I've been doing this since before y'all were born. jk. Will I ever stop who knows~

So far I have

mcu bruce banner (who has been gone)
616 rick jones (who is mixed in with all the 616 crazy)
mcu wanda maximoff (who is confused)
tfa rey (who just wants to give luke his lightsaber)
mad max: furiosa (who wants to stab a dude)
ghostbusters 2016 holtzmann (who wants to invent something to stab a dude)
avengers academy natasha romanova (who probably has stabbed a dude)
and soon to be added leon's mathilda (who is 12 and also wants to stab dudes)

i can be reached at OMG jessi on AIM or

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