November 2016

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October 8th, 2016

[info]victoriahand in [info]obstruct

~R here with a new character and a few modly updates.

New character - This is Victoria Hand, of Agent of SHIELD's first season. She's back. She's alive, and she's here to help whip new shield into shape more effectively than you can say "Hail Hydra". She's really cool, very gay and very much no-nonsense, with a dry sense of wit and a sharp sense of loyalty.

Mod things!

1. The Plot Calendar is full of volunteer spots that are still open. Drop by and sign up for a couple if you see anything you like! Later on in the month, there's a plot for characters who sign up to get items from home, so if there's anything you want you might want to hop in on that! Sign up by replying to the corresponding day's comment :)

2. Tag your posts with your character tags! It just helps at the end of the month for activity. If a character is missing their tag, leave a comment here and I'll add it right away!

3. Would people be interested in weekly/bi-weekly OOC writing memes and games? And what kinds of plots would you like to see more of in the future?

4. How's it going so far, guys? I have midterms next week, and I'm travelling both this weekend and next weekend so I might be a little AWOL, but is there anything I can do for anyone?

[info]serzhant in [info]obstruct

Nox here with Bucky Barnes! Which makes him the fourth one in the game. We're collecting them. This Bucky is from an AU version of the MCU so he'll obviously have some differences to the canon MCU Bucky, but there will still be a lot that's similar so potential confusion for both of them all round. Also, this Bucky does still have his vibranium arm because his Tony Stark didn't blow it off.

[info]stuffof_legend in [info]obstruct

*waves*Hi everybody (HI DR NICK!)I'm Michelle and I'm New!I'm also bringing in a couple super super obscure, rare peeps.

The first being Dennis Rafkin from 13 ghosts. ([info]lilbitofafreak) For those that don't know who Dennis is? Think of every horror movie you can, and picture that one person whose always convinced that the killer is around every corner. Now amp that paranoia up times 2000 and you have Dennis! He's also a physic, where in if he even he brushes against someone he can see their entire life, no matter how much he doesn't want to. Which, surprisingly, hasn't made him any less social, just brutally honest.

Secondly is someone who should be in every game. The king of Acme Woods, Bugs Bunny. He's gonna be post Space Jam, since I don't remember if they ever had an updated Loony Tunes after that (and no,the 2011 one doesn't count bc it was horrible.)He's gonna be human for now, which will be seriously confusing for him.

I'm generally around in the afternoons on weekdays since I work a lot, and all the time on weekends. thenalongcamezuess if you feel like hunting me down!