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Oct. 1st, 2016


Thanks for joining!

I'm R. I'm a university student that spends a lot of time talking about Performance Studies, LGBT+ things, and Ireland. I'm Canadian, live in Montreal and am a very busy person but very, very excited to be running this game. I'll do my best to smooth out any wrinkles as we get this game on its feet, but if you ever have suggestions or questions please come talk to me. I'm on gchat at unless I'm asleep or in a classroom :)

I have 18 characters because I'm a little crazy that way.

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Because it's a bunch I won't write up little descriptions for each but I'm about to pop around to other people's posts to say hi and we can totally chat about characters that'll click and stuff!


Hello Everyone!

I know I could reply to new posts, but I figured I have enough characters to justify a homepost.

My name's Christie, I'm [info]eyeball_tree or necessarypapers on aim and currently a new PhD in a job search so... also pretty free. But I have six I think?

This is Thomas Jerome Newton from The Man Who Fell to Earth. He's basically an alcoholic tech genius who never ages and represents my inability to let David Bowie go. He's in Room 507 and might be a good link for like Tony Stark sorts. Self-destructive tendencies incl.

I also have 3 616 characters: Viktor von Doom ([info]doctordoom), everyone's favorite neighborhood despot and former god-emperor. Everyone has no hard feelings about that whole thing right? Anyway he's totally not evil now, except when he is. And will probably split time between Latveria and the Latverian embassy in New York and is largely here to troll; Sam Wilson ([info]theotheramerica) who leads Avengers Blue Team and defends Harlem in his spare time, and Clint Barton ([info]theregularguy) who is everyone's favorite Hawkeye.

Then I have MCU Thor ([info]sendaraven) who's from post AoU/peri-CW in Room 103 and Jasper Sitwell ([info]agentsitwell) in Room 101.

Jasper's from an MCU-based panfandom, because I refuse to acknowledge that a character who is basically Nick Fury's puppy in 616 suddenly turned into a nazi when he was made latino. Jasper was a triple agent for Fury who managed to survive being hit by just a little penske truck and still helps SHIELD kind of off radar against HYDRA. #trustsitwell. He's a cryptanalyst and computer guy :D

Anyway, I'm open to plots and easily enableable.


Hey there! I'm Jellyfish, but you're also welcome to call me Valerie. Right now I'm in the off-season at work, so I'm almost always free if you want to hit me up on aim (valerbees) or email for plotty stuff or just to chat. Don't be shy :D

Right now I just have two characters, but they're wonderful characters so you know you want to interact with them. I'll probably drag some more in soon.

First off is the lovely Ms. Janet Van Dyne, the cutest Avenger aka the Wasp. This version is from a phone game called Avengers Academy, where due to some time fog mystery that Pym is probably responsible for, everyone is a young adult enrolled in Nick Fury's super hero school where they keep getting invaded by aliens or ninjas or now weird fire demon things each month, there's only one computer, everyone fights over a single dorm chair, and Steve dances the Charleston for 8 hours at a time somebody please free him. Jan's excitable, obsessed with making new costumes for every single possible occasion, and hates to be underestimated just because she's nice. I think it'll be entertaining because Jan is friends with absolutely everyone in Avengers Academy, but nobody in the MCU will even know who she is. Alas. Her worst nightmare.

My other is the cute cubey baby Kobik from 616. She's a newer character that was introduced during the Standoff event as a sentient cosmic cube that managed to merge itself back together from broken shards that SHIELD was experimenting with because Maria Hill does whatever she wants even when people tell her to stop. Because of the timeline of the game, Pleasant Hill hasn't actually occurred soooooo nobody really will know who she is or what she can do. She's really into this reality warping thing and looks forward to having some fun with all her new friends.

Sep. 30th, 2016


Welcome to the Intercept

As of right now All Community Invitations have been sent out.

Because 2 of the 3 "mods" are currently MIA due to work commitments, organising and sorting out all 50+ new characters has become my responsibility. So that said, if your characters are missing from Housing/Tags/etc, leave a comment here and I'll fix it immediately.

The Getting Started page should walk you through all the information you need to double check! Then, head over to the Plot Calendar and sign up for available volunteer spots.

Getting things off the ground may be a little rocky, but I'm really looking forward to playing with everyone! :)

Sep. 7th, 2016




Sep. 5th, 2016



Credits )

Sep. 1st, 2016


Game: Rules



The Game Premise


Jul. 18th, 2016


Activity Check

Activity )


Arrivals & Departures: October 2016


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