Wednesday, June 10th, 2009

Thankless Job

Who: Cath, Mae, Ronnie, Emily, Noah, Maddie, Matt, Kevin, Seth (and some token redshirts)
Where: Security Office
Where: Noonish

It'd taken two trips to get all the plans, notes, and whatnot up to the security office. From now on, they were doing this in the library. There was more room there and reference materials readily at hand. Except the B encyclopedia, which he'd still not located. It would have been useful as well, but they'd make due.

Cathair sipped his whiskey laced coffee, looking over his notes and the plans. Riffraff had been incredibly helpful and useful and he was right glad she was on top of the security bit. They needed to move everyone willing to A and B decks as soon as possible. But that was Sean's job. For now, they were organizing, setting up patrols and getting everyone on the same page.

He could feel that familiar tightening in his shoulders and back. That tension from being wound up before a battle. Problem being, this wasn't the same thing and there was no real battle. Just waiting. It was going to be horrible.

Now he just had to wait for everyone to arrive.
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Saturday, May 2nd, 2009

Meeting of the Think Tank

Who: Alexander, Cath, Emily, Father Peter, Gregory, Jerome, Kevin, Leto, Sean
What: Brainstorming session
When: approx 11 AM
Where: I deck, room 1053

Sean had cone to collect Kevin, first, then Leto. They were the only two he know the locations of. The rest would have to show up as they could. Knowing that this was a meeting to discuss and plan, he'd gotten a stack of tablets with the ship's stationary theme at the top, and pens, in case anyone wanted to take notes besides himself.

Sean pointed to the suite's minibar. "If you feel the need for a drink, the minibar's stocked. I don't think anyone on board will be getting any bills at this point."

The furniture in this suite looked antique,the walls looked like pinkish marble, with a boarder that seemed to be telling some greek fable. There was even a chandelier. There were four wooden chairs added to the room, two from the outside balcony.

Everything was set, all they needed was the people.
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Tuesday, April 28th, 2009


Who: Megan, Niles, Jean, Nikko, Noah, Leto, Az, Sean, Kevin and special guests: Security!
Where: The aft-port elevator
When: About 10-ish pm

Megan was becoming increasingly bored and frustrated. The only comfort she had was that the ship had been scheduled to arrive today. Even if they hadn't been before, surely by now someone had noticed they were gone and were searching for them. It wouldn't be long now, and she could call Daddy and get his lawyers on the case.

What the blind woman saw )
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Tuesday, April 14th, 2009

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's a... bowl?

Who: Kevin and Eve
When: about 3pm
Where: Spa deck

Kevin had needed a break. He was still working at about half his normal crew, although a couple more had managed to run out of excuses today. Enough that he could afford to take a reasonable break from prep and attend the meeting with the Captain. Which hadn't been terribly reassuring. He barely believed even the things he'd said, much less the things others had said. He'd headed up to the spa deck for a bit of sun and a good smoke before heading back down and thrashing the help.

It hadn't helped his mood when he'd been sitting there, innocently enjoying a cigar, and been unceremoniously bonked on the back of the head by a bowl from above. "Oi!" He'd shouted up at the sky. "Who threw the bloody bowl?" Grumbling, he looked briefly at the bowl and tossed it aside. "Bad enough we don't know where the fuck we are," he grumbled. "Now I have to deal with flying dishware again." He leaned back in one of the deck chairs, keeping an eye on the skies as he puffed on his cigar.
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Monday, April 13th, 2009

in search of answers

Who: The captain, and open to all!
When: 2:30
Where: Circean Delight

Captain Hill wore the expression of a heavily burdened man as he took the stage in Circean Delight, and waited for the crowds to settle. "Good afternoon," he started, speaking in a loud, clear voice. "As you may have noticed... we have altered course and switched directions. Our situation has not improved, and we have been forced to make the decision to turn back west, rather than continue on blindly. We believe this to be the best course of action, and we will undoubtably sail into familiar waters in a matter of days."

He paused, a flicker of something in his eyes, before pressing on. "At this point... I can take a few questions. I'm sure there are plenty."
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Sunday, April 5th, 2009

Prep work

Who: Kevin and open to Lilo, Nik, and anyone else who wants to help out.
Where: Galley, Circean Delight
When: About 4:30, after the big announcement

Kevin paced back and forth in the open area outside the kitchen that he had designated the "smoking area." Miz Brown's little announcement had done little to calm anyone down, and the staff wasn't getting any more information than the passengers were. In addition, despite his posting on the ship's message board, several of his brigade had informed him that they would not be working tonight due to injury. It had been him, Melanie, the nurse who'd been assigned to keep him awake, and a couple of other busboys who'd suddenly found themselves promoted to commis chefs doing all the prep work today. Not. Happy. At. All. A couple of passengers had volunteered to help and he had reluctantly accepted, although not knowing their true skill levels made him antsy. Still, stiff upper lip and all that. He'd told them to meet him after the "meeting", but God only knew if they would actually show up. He leaned against the wall, smoking and absentmindedly checking his watch out of habit, even though he knew by now that the bloody thing was busted. If no one showed soon, he'd just have to press on and hope for the best, and the first passenger to complain about slow service would get a breadstick shoved down their gullet.
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Thursday, March 26th, 2009

What Happens After

Who: The mildly injured.
When: Around 1 AM
Where: Apollon's Grace
Rating: TBA
Status: In progress
Unpleasant and not in the best of health )
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Wednesday, March 25th, 2009

ballroom blitz

Who: Anyone and everyone in Circean Delight!
When: Starting at the stroke of midnight
Where: Circean Delight

The show had gone very well, and Muse was infinitely pleased. The crowd had been great, and very receptive, and there had even been people standing and dancing. (Muse hated when people sat through concerts. If she wasn't pulling people out of their seats, she didn't feel like she was doing her job properly.) She was happy, and comfortable, and felt like she had done a good job - and looked good doing it. She wore a long, flowing fuchsia dress, decorated with outlines of black flowers, and of course, Muse always performed in bare feet. Perhaps she'd rethink that policy by the end of the night.

"5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Happy New Year!" she lead the countdown, beaming happily as confetti fell from the ceiling and people kissed. She'd been scanning the audience looking for a suitable guy to get a kiss in herself, when there was a horrible rumble, and the floor seemed to fall out from under her feet. She didn't scream, perhaps because she was far too confused to even consider it. She wasn't sure what was happening, but she wasn't on her feet anymore, and - BAM. Her body slammed into a wall and she winced, suddenly feeling extremely light headed...
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Friday, March 20th, 2009

Namaste and Good Morning

Who: Rita and open
What: Breakfast
When: Just past 8 AM
Where: Thalia's Diner
Status: Incomplete
Ooh pancakes )
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Wednesday, March 11th, 2009

Jazzman, take my blues away

Who: Kevin and anyone who wants to wander in!
When: After 10
Where: Cult of Dionysus - Jazz Club

The night was over, thank god. Somehow the staff had made it through the evening without Kevin having to take a life. He'd left his sous chef in charge of clear down and had made his way to the jazz club. Whatever that was they were calling "music" in the restaurant this evening was not working for him. He needed some real music, and he'd finally discovered the jazz club on his way to bed the night before.

He entered the room and immediately found his way to a booth near the stage. The band was good, overall, although that trumpeter needed some help. He had half a mind to go back to his room and get his trumpet, show him how it was done, but his usual stage fright started to take hold. No, tonight was just a night for a bit of wine, some quality music, and relaxation.
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Sunday, March 8th, 2009

Let's go to the break

Who: Kevin and OPEN
When: Mid-afternoon
Where: Exterior C Deck

Kevin was very pleased with himself. The prep work was going well, despite the general lack of skill among his brigade. He might actually pull this ball off tonight, after all. Of course, there was still the matter of a costume for tonight. Personally, he found the whole idea of including the staff in a fancy dress ball quite ridiculous. He had more on his mind than finding some silly outfit. The other chefs were very excited about it and were busily discussing their costumes while doing prep. Kevin had had to constantly remind them that they still had a job to do, and he didn't want them wearing anything that would interfere with their work. The last thing he needed was one of the commis chefs wearing a gorilla suit and accidentally flambe'ing themselves by getting fur too close to the burner.

Things had gone according to plan so far, and he allowed himself the luxury of a cigarette break before returning to clean up whatever messes were made in his absence. Out on the exterior deck that led to the restaurant from the other part of the deck, he had found a bench and allowed himself to relax. It was actually quite nice out here, he thought. He needed to allow himself more opportunities to enjoy this. He'd put a coat on over his chef's jacket, to avoid getting any burns on it from stray ash, and smiled and nodded at passengers as they walked by.
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Saturday, February 28th, 2009

the rock show

Who: Tumbler Renegade (Keane, Res, and Chesh), and open to any and all!
When: 11 PMish
Where: Cult of Dionysus

Tumbler Renegade played for nearly two hours. The first set went very well - for having to do a bunch of covers, they were still pretty energetic about it. And if anything good could be said about Res, she knew how to work a crowd and wrap it around her little finger. Sometimes she wished they had another guitar player so she could really work the stage, but at the end of the day, she loved her guitar too much to part with it. If anyone else got a bitchin' guitar solo she'd probably get jealous, anyway.

The set featured covers ranging from the Kooks, Cold, Dropkick Murphy's, and a few other gems. They squeezed in a few original songs, which seemed to go over well. The turn-out had been pretty impressive - it seemed like a lot of the ship turned up to see some live music. For their final song, Res started on the keyboards, playing a soft, Tori Amos-style cover of Smells Like Teen Spirit. On the second verse she switched to electric guitar and the band kicked in, and she had to say - they rocked the fuck out of it. When it was over she wasn't even feeling her bad ankle, she was fuckin' pumped. She always was after a good show.

Keane was much the same way. He was all smiles as he took his bass off and waved to the crowd. He reckoned he and his friends were in for a bit of partying now -- they deserved it, right? He certainly thought so! He swung his arm around Res' neck and started leading her towards the bar, while Chesh headed out for some fresh air. "Brilliant," he told her, as he flagged down the bartender. "Now we're having some fun."
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