Monday, April 13th, 2009


Who: Graham, Sean
When: 10:35 AM

Graham Shepherd thought the only thing worse than not having communication to get his story out was not having communication so he could call Katie.  He hadn’t been able to wish her a proper Happy New Year, and now she might think he was forgetting her. 

A man with a plan )


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Tuesday, March 31st, 2009


Who: Graham Shephard (closed)
When: 4ish in the morning
Where: His suite

Now this was a story.  How many journalists got to go through a storm like that at sea?  Really, the odds were incredible if you sat down and actually tried to figure them out. He’d managed to hang on to his chair and keep from hitting any walls.  Other than a nasty bruise on his hip and shin, he was in decent shape, all considered.  Although, come morning, or later in the morning as the case may be,  his arms and shoulders were sure to make themselves known in a spectacularly uncomfortable way.

O frabjous day! )

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Thursday, March 19th, 2009

Life is Sketchy

Who: Molly, Open
When: 11:00 am
Where: Cyamites 

Molly sat quietly, for once.  In fact she hardly seemed like herself as a large cup of Chi, decorated with smudges of light charcoal,  sat on the table in front of her, rapidly cooling in the air conditioning.  She had a cell phone on the table and her eyes would flick to it as her pencil made sweeps over an art pad, occasionally her already blackened fingertips would move to smudge here or there.  Her tongue was just peeking out of the corner of her mouth as she concentrated, a tiny line forming between her brows. 

She sighed and reached to take another sip of Chi.  No coffee for her.  Vibrating was not good when a steady hand was required.  She squinted and leaned closer to the paper as she went back to work.  

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Sunday, March 8th, 2009

Having a Ball~

Who: Ball Attendees
When: Early evening
Where: Circean Delight

Cinderella, can't you see I don't want your company? )
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Sunday, March 1st, 2009

Biting, barking and investigative journalism

Who: Eve and Graham
Where: Circean delight
When: dinner time

The maitre'd attended to her request, and she was seated. She ordered a raspberry martini and waited. )
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Saturday, February 21st, 2009

Time to have a look around

Who: Lynne Masters & Graham Shepherd
What: Lynne finally feels well enough to venture out of her room.
Where: Thalia's Diner
When: early afternoon
Status: Complete

Grabbing a bite to eat at Thalia's Diner )
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Friday, February 20th, 2009

one for the road.

who. Riley Jamison and OPEN
when. Early evening
where. Cyamites

Cyamites was rapidly becoming Riley’s favourite place on board. Naturally; it was the computers that sweetened the pot. She’d already spent the better part of her afternoon in the café, downing several cups of coffee. Perhaps she’d had one cup too many. Riley sat in front of her computer, about five sips away from getting a severe case of jitters. She’d made sure to tell the barista not to let her order another, at least for a couple of hours, because otherwise she’d be bouncing off the walls. As it stood, she wasn’t quite there; just nursing a healthy, caffeinated buzz.

The computer was taking the brunt of her jitter-abuse. The keys had been pounded on by her quick fingers for the majority of the afternoon. Now that the evening had arrived, the thing was pooping out. Her MP3 had already died (thanks to not charging it the night before) and so the only noise was the buzz of the café. A few low-voiced conversations; the baristas taking coffee and snack orders; and the faint hum of the computer monitors that were actually turned on.

Had her mom known she was here, sitting at a computer, instead of out doing something a little more ‘interesting’, she’d probably get smacked upside the head. With a well-programmed and memorized lecture in her head, Riley turned off the computer, and removed herself from sitting in front of it, sheltered and more or less hidden. Night would be falling soon, and it was time to start looking for something else. Something that involved some actual human-to-human interaction.

But first… one more cup of coffee.
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