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Oblivion ::: An Original RP

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Eye of the Tiger [27 Jun 2009|10:28am]
Who: Kevin and Seth
When: Before Sunrise
Where: Gym

Kevin hadn't slept at all well the night before. This was getting serious. Security details, moving everyone, not to mention that he still had a kitchen to run, which was always his first priority. Giving up on that, he'd gone down to the kitchens. That had always been a place for him to relax, but when he arrived, even he'd had to give pause. The pantry, the freezer, the refrigerators, even the lobster tank were completely re-stocked, exactly as they had been before New Years. All damage that had been done to the kitchen was fixed, although he was relieved to see that the knives were at least still locked up tight. Still, it was a bit of a puzzle, to say the least.

After stopping off to leave a message reassuring people that the food situation was well in hand, the sun still wasn't up, so he decided to get in a little workout before meeting up with Noah. Kevin had never been a huge workout type, although he had been a decent football player in his younger days. But then, who wasn't, where he was from? Seeing that a decent match was obviously out of the question, however, he appropriated some athletic tape for his fists, and decided to give the old punching bag a try. He hadn't done it in years, and while he was a bit clumsy with the speed bag, he wasn't nearly as rusty as he'd thought he'd be. Fortunately, he figured no one would be in here this early to see his lack of finesse.
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There's Something We Should Tell You... [27 Jun 2009|12:55pm]
Who: Cath, Mae, Sean, Ronnie and Peter
When: Morning
Where: Chapel

Cathair really, really could use a drink right now. Perhaps a whole bottle of Connemara, although really, he needed his wits right now. So sober it was. He paced back and forth a bit, his rosary wrapped tightly around his right hand. He'd already prayed for strength and for the souls of the people on this ship and the ones who'd disappeared. The restoration and restocking of everything material had given him pause about doing this, but in the end he knew, there was never going to be a good time for this.
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Welcome To My Nightmare [27 Jun 2009|08:56pm]
Who: Unknown, Leto,
When: As soon as Leto wakes up
Where: Her room

The following was found taped to Leto's door, on the outside.
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[27 Jun 2009|11:26pm]
Who: Slav, Gor?, OTA
Where: Slav's Room
What: Moving/Slinking Off
When: Morning
Rating: Possibly Language
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