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Oblivion ::: An Original RP

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[20 Jun 2009|04:10am]
Who: Matt and Gregory
Where: The Circean Delight
When: Early evening

Food for thought )
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One Two Punch [20 Jun 2009|07:44pm]
Who: Cath and open
Where: Fitness Center
When: Just after sunset

Cath had just finished up his sort of half shift with Mae and had headed up to Arete deck. He needed to work off some of the tension and honestly, get himself back to battle ready. He did the basics early every morning until everything'd gone pear shaped, but no actual training that would give him away.

Now he found himself caring less about hiding and more about survival. And honestly, he needed to work off some of the tension. This waiting for something to blow up in their faces was going to kill him otherwise.

He was dressed simply, in a black sleeveless tee shirt that once had some sort of logo on it but had long faded from washings into a blurb of whitish dots, a pair of gray plaid sweatpants, with the boots he usually wore. The sweatpants were new, his favourite pair had disappeared shortly after they'd come onto the ship before it'd set sail. It could have been a warning of what was to come, but more likely, his wife had just decided to be rid of them. Mae hated them, and they'd gone around about them a few times.

His hands were wrapped with athletic tape, since he was planning to give the heavy bag a good beating and didn't need to do the same to his hands in the process. The two bruises Mae had put on his face were healing nicely, which meant they itched like bloody hell.

Cath's fighting style was no nonsense. A good basis in boxing, with grappling and throws incorporated for good measure. No fancy kicks or jumping about, just powerful, precise blows. Blind him, it really did feel good to beat the shite out of something, even if it was just a sandbag.
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