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Oblivion ::: An Original RP

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[09 Mar 2009|05:51pm]

Who: Sean, Father Peter?
When: Afternoon
Where: Chapel


Sean was relieved to find some Holy water in a vessel to the side of the entrance of the chapel.  Non-denominational places didn’t often offer it.  He dipped his fingers inside and crossed himself.  He moved silently to the row of votive memorial candles and placed a donation into the box before lighting t taper at the candle lit for such a purpose.


"Oh blood and water of Christ, which sprang forth from Jesus heart- I trust in you for the care of this soul. Amen."  His lips moved in silence as he pictured Ashanti laughing at some absurd joke.  He lit the first candle and repeated the prayer, lighting another, remembering Karen healthy, teaching a five year old Molly how to ice skate.  He blew out the taper and deposited it in it’s place.


The nightmare had come to him every night since he set foot on the ship.  Guilt was a terrible thing, and something he wasn’t yet able to hand over to God.

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Gimme an "R"! Gimme an "I"! Gimme an "S"! Gimme a "K"! What does it spell? [09 Mar 2009|06:58pm]
[ mood | anxious ]

WHO: Lisa
WHERE: Lisa's room
WHEN: Shortly before the costume ball

Lisa sat in her room, wondering whether it would be best just to stay here and not go to the costume ball. The problem was her lack of a costume. Well, not so much the lack of a costume, but rather, the narrow selection of costumes from which to choose. Unfortunately, in the week leading up to this cruise, getting a costume for the ball had not been a priority. She did have one, and only one, possibility: her college cheerleading uniform. She had packed it just before fleeing her former life, and it was one of the only links to that life that remained in her possession.

In a normal situation, she would have been happy to wear the uniform to the ball, but this was not a normal situation. The problem was, it was an authentic uniform, and it identified her as someone who had been a member of U of L's cheerleading program. That was something the real Lisa Blankenship had not been. But it was worse than that. On the morning of the preceding day, Lisa had gone to the net cafe in Cyamites and looked up the news about her case on the internet. Some of the articles had a picture of the suspect: her picture, and wearing this very uniform. Apparently one or more of the reporters researching the story had looked into her past, and had obtained that old photo from her college days.

So here she sat, weighing the risks. Chances were, nobody at the ball would think twice about the costume. They would see her in it, think that she had just chosen to come to the ball as a cheerleader, and that would be that. But still, it was risky. Sean was the one she worried about most. Would seeing her in this uniform trigger some memory lurking in his head? Probably not... after all, he had gotten a good look at her face a couple of times now, and she still had her freedom. She sat, and thought, and considered, and weighed the risks... she was tensing up again. And then she thought, Jeez, I am so sick of sitting around acting like a frightened child. The chances that I'll get caught just because I went to a costume ball as a cheerleader are probably so small as to be laughable. I'll go to that ball, I'll dance and have fun... I might even dance with Sean again! Besides, I'll probably feel as safe there as I do here with all these eyes watching me. She stood up, walked to the closet, and pulled out her uniform. Time to have some fun!

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bleed for me. [09 Mar 2009|10:09pm]
Who: Res and Keane
When: Before the costume ball/parties
Where: Their rooms

Res and Keane were big costume people. Every year since they'd met they'd always thrown a monster Halloween party together, something that had become epic legend within their circle at home. They usually always ended with several guests in the hospital, and several more in jail, but it was always good fun. They were also the sort of nerds that went to geek conventions together whenever possible. So when they signed on to do the cruise, and found out there was going to be a costume party, there was never any doubt that they'd go all out.

Keane did cheat, slightly -- he was re-using an old favorite and going as Ash from the evil dead films. It was an easy thing to pull off -- ripped up khakis and a torn button-up blue shirt, all covered in dirt and blood. Fake blood, of course. He even had a chainsaw arm that he and Res had constructed out of paper machet. He hadn't been stupid enough to pack a fake 'boomstick' for the flight to Miami. After buttoning his shirt, he headed over to Res' room to check her progress.

So happily twisted. )
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