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Oblivion ::: An Original RP

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Let's go to the break [08 Mar 2009|06:14pm]
Who: Kevin and OPEN
When: Mid-afternoon
Where: Exterior C Deck

Kevin was very pleased with himself. The prep work was going well, despite the general lack of skill among his brigade. He might actually pull this ball off tonight, after all. Of course, there was still the matter of a costume for tonight. Personally, he found the whole idea of including the staff in a fancy dress ball quite ridiculous. He had more on his mind than finding some silly outfit. The other chefs were very excited about it and were busily discussing their costumes while doing prep. Kevin had had to constantly remind them that they still had a job to do, and he didn't want them wearing anything that would interfere with their work. The last thing he needed was one of the commis chefs wearing a gorilla suit and accidentally flambe'ing themselves by getting fur too close to the burner.

Things had gone according to plan so far, and he allowed himself the luxury of a cigarette break before returning to clean up whatever messes were made in his absence. Out on the exterior deck that led to the restaurant from the other part of the deck, he had found a bench and allowed himself to relax. It was actually quite nice out here, he thought. He needed to allow himself more opportunities to enjoy this. He'd put a coat on over his chef's jacket, to avoid getting any burns on it from stray ash, and smiled and nodded at passengers as they walked by.
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Having a Ball~ [08 Mar 2009|07:39pm]
Who: Ball Attendees
When: Early evening
Where: Circean Delight

Cinderella, can't you see I don't want your company? )
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