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Oblivion ::: An Original RP

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Sunny Dreams [02 Feb 2009|08:35pm]
Who: Savannah, Lisa, Molly, Open
When: 3:00 PM
Where: H Deck Spa

Following her encounter with CJ, Savannah wanted nothing more than to gab to all of her friends back home. )
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Good Morning, Sunshine! [02 Feb 2009|09:25pm]
Who: Jerome and Leto (and Levon)
When: Morning
Where: Their rooms

Knowing that his daughter had been up late the night before, Jerome slipped into his daughter's room in the morning to take Levon to breakfast. He'd left a note, in case she woke in their absense, but things went quite smoothly. Jerome loved the company of his grandson -- Levon's high energy and cheer were quite infectious. When they returned the rooms, it was with breakfast for Leto. Jerome made an effort to be silent in opening the door, but his efforts were wasted. The second the door was open Levon bolted.

"Mommy!" he cried out, running through to the bedroom and taking a flying leap onto Leto's bed. And Leto. "We got you bweakfast!"

How thoughtful. )
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Good morning starshine, the earth says hello! [02 Feb 2009|09:37pm]
Who: Chelsea and Ella
When: Early, about 7:30ish
Where: Chelsea's room

Chelsea found herself stirring as the sunlight hit her face. She turned her head and saw Ella sleeping next to her and smiled. She didn't how how she'd gotten so lucky, and right now she really didn't care. The power had come back on at some point during the light; she'd left the bathroom light on when she left for the party and neglected to turn it off when she came back. Ella's arm was still lying across Chelsea, and Chelsea took a moment to just take in this amazing person who had come into her life.

She didn't take too long, however. She saw the clock and realized that, as much as she wanted to stay there forever, she should probably get to the restroom soon before things got... awkward. Gently, she moved Ella's arm off of herself and placed it gently at her side, then carefully slid herself over to the side of the bed so she could transfer back to her wheelchair. Settled, she took one last look at the sleeping beauty in her bed before turning and heading to the bathroom, listening to Ella's breathing as she went, trying not to wake her with the sounds of her wheels.
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