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Oblivion ::: An Original RP

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Roaming [29 Jan 2009|04:32pm]
Who: Sasha and Open
Where: Eurycleia's Cafe and then around the halls, heading down to Deck 2
When: Around 9 pm

When the power went out Sasha couldn't bring herself to get overly excited. The other people working were bubbling and ready to go. After 15 minutes, when the power didn't turn back on, the manager on duty advised that they could leave. Sasha finished her tasks in the glowing red light, making sure things were tidied and what not. When all was as good as it was going to get it she left, a little happy she was able to get out of work an hour early. Not that she really had any plans.

She meandered down the hall, heading to Circean Delight, knowing that everyone would be headed that way, but changed her mind when she reached the stair well. Why would she bother? She didn't know anyone and she could be in her room playing cello instead of watching people huddle together.

With a grunt she headed down the stairs carefully and headed toward her room. She wondered belatedly if she'd be able to find her cello in the dim light.
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Night Swimming [29 Jan 2009|10:48pm]
Who: Stefan and Zania
Where: Their rooms
When: 10:30pm

Once the elevators came on, sitting in the stairwell wasn't near as much fun. While no one was eager to jump back on the elevators, people seemed to have calmed down substantially and settled in to various locations. Still feeling under-dressed, Zania opted not to venture down to the Circean Delight, instead returning to her room. She strolled in casually, then flopped down on the bed, kicking her flip flops off and onto the floor. "You back, Stef?" she called through the open door that connected their rooms. Hopefully he'd enjoyed the temporary chaos, though she seriously doubted it.

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