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Oblivion ::: An Original RP

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a meeting in the dark [28 Jan 2009|09:11pm]
Who: Jesse and Morgan
When: Night
Where Apollon Grace theater

The blackout would have been perfect cover for Morgan if she'd been interested in cleaning out some passenger rooms. As it was, however, she'd decided to heed the old saying with regards to discretion and valor; with so few passengers and staff on board, it would be all too easy to be found out if she wasn't careful. She was an opportunistic sort, however, and wouldn't pass up a chance if she got it. There were some loaded passengers on board - celebrities and just plain rich folk.

She'd been down in her room when the power went out; deciding to take advantage of the empty deck, she'd chosen an empty employee stateroom around midship and had put in some time picking the lock. Electronic locks took more time than regular locks, of course, but she was good at them and it didn't take as long as it could have. Rigging it so it would stay locked and look normal but open much more quickly if she needed to get in in a hurry, Morgan checked her watch. It wasn't too late, but everything was emptied out, save Circean Delight, where she could hear the sounds of a party starting. She was still in exploratory mode, however, and decided to continue on to the ship's large amphitheater, Apollon Grace.

She slipped in silently, pausing to let the door close behind her with a faint click. She had good night vision and her eyes had long since adjusted to the dark; she took her time making her way towards the stage, taking in what detail she could. Partway there, she realized she wasn't alone - a sloppy mistake, though she forgave herself. If she'd been on a job, she wouldn't have missed him. And it was a him, sitting on the stage with a candle. It was a little intriguing, and she made the decision to step out of the shadows as she approached so he could see her in turn.

Jesse had just been wandering, he'd snagged a candle from somewhere, though it was one of those jar-ones. Which he supposed at least meant that it wouldn't be burning out as fast as the other kind. Plus, he felt slightly less like an axe murderer was going to leap out at him with a jar candle. It just didn't have the same connotation as a taper. Of course, he also wasn't a big breasted chick in a white nightgown, so that helped. Still, he didn't want to tempt fate. He'd found the theater, and it was vaguely creepy inside. Huge, crazy acoustics, and he'd looked around for a while. Eventually he'd poked around back stage, then went to sit on it, eyes up on the ceiling as he hummed a little bit, just to see about said acoustics. He happened to be humming 'Midnight Rider' for some reason, since it was the first off the top of his head, and he broke off only when he caught movement, and then saw a whole lot of gorgeous walking up on him. He flashed a grin. "Hello." he greeted. "You the ghost of christmas future, come to teach me a lesson?" he asked.
no, not there to teach him a lesson )
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