Oblivion ::: An Original RP's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Oblivion ::: An Original RP

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Working at Eurycleia's Cafe [18 Jan 2009|09:32am]
[ mood | frustrated ]

Who: Sasha and Kaz, and Open! (anyone hungry? lol)
Where: Eurycleia's Cafe
When: Late Afternoon

"May I take your order?" Sasha gave a small smile to the young woman and her companion. The woman answered and in moments Sasha was moving away to the kitchen to drop off the order. She spent her first hour on shift focusing intently on her job. All of the tables in her area were clean and ready for guests, all of her orders were filled and as she glanced around, all of her people had full beverages.

Finally her mind was able to settle and she started to think about her conversation with CJ. Maybe she would go to this party after all. No, she probably wouldn't. She sighed and waited, hoping her shift would be busy so she could just go read already.

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