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Oblivion ::: An Original RP

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[17 Jan 2009|12:52am]
Who: Samantha and Jesse James
Where: Starts at Samantha's room, then.. halls
When: Sunday, mid-afternoon
Warning: Language every so often, not much at all though

Jesse had spent a little time looking around his old west themed room. It was, he supposed, neat in a way, but when he'd first arrived and all his overwhelming response was 'very fucking funny'. Because he'd never had the comparison drawn before! No really it was witty and original! Whaaatever. Either way, he'd unpacked and everything, and the first day he'd just sort of wandered around, getting to know the place. He'd figured out pretty damn quicklike that that was going to be a task. There were maps around, sure, but he stared at them like they were in Greek.

His sister's room he managed to find, and it didn't take him too long. And, he'd let her do whatever settling she was going to the first day, now was the time to get on with that whole getting her back out of her shell thing. That was the point of them being here, it was why he'd made the incredibly difficult decision to leave his daughter behind for a while. Samantha needed this, and so...yeah. He was helping. Or something. That didn't mean he liked leaving his little girl home. However Ronnie had told him 'over my twisted, rotting corpse are you taking our girl on some cruise'. Didn't mean he hadn't given it a shot...

He leaned against the wall next to Samantha's door, and knocked on it. "GT!" he called. "Train's leavin, let's go! Things to do, places to see and all that!"

Wandering around the ship held little appeal for Samantha, so instead of leaving the comfort of her room she decided to stay in. It was really a great room, perfect for her. Everything about it made her feel at peace, and she had to admit that it was almost as if whoever had dealt with the room placement knew her pretty well. Or at least well enough to know how much she loved flowers, and how much better she would sleep at night just because of the amount of bright colors and visions of nature surrounding her. But she'd spent enough time acquainting herself with the room, and had decided that reading might be a wise decision.

She had gotten pretty far into her book, and was just getting at a good part, one that really made her tense in anticipation for the well being of the character when she heard her brother's familiar voice calling through the door. Rolling her eyes just a little, Samantha set her book down but made no effort to get up. True, she was a quiet girl but she could be loud when she wanted, and right now she definitely didn't want to get up. Instead, she took a deep breath and called out loudly, "What if I don't want to get on the train? The door's open, Jess." Then, as if there had been no interruption, she picked her book back up, opened it and continued where she'd left off.

keep reading... )
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in the greenhouse [17 Jan 2009|04:24am]
who: jesse, samantha and open!
where: the greenhouse
when: late afternoon

After getting dinner, which was at least mostly smooth sailing, Jesse as promised, took Samantha to the greenhouse. And, with her sort of doing the navigating--they even managed to find it without getting lost. Now if he'd been in charge there, it definitely would have been a longer walk to get there. He was definitely not at all any good at navigating this place. He'd need to remedy that.

But they were in the greenhouse without incident, and he was looking around at all the plants and shit. It was actually sort of neat looking, if he was looking for it. Sure, this sort of place wasn't necessarily his forte, or anywhere he would have chosen to be, but as he looked over at Samantha where she was examining things, it looked like she was into it. So...all was well, at least so far.
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[17 Jan 2009|08:14pm]
who: Cameron and Carly
where: Thalia's Diner
when: Sunday, early evening

Cameron was on his fourth hour of being drunk, though currently he was sipping a glass of water and eating a plate of french fries. Not an alcoholic drink anywhere within reach of him, and perhaps that was a good idea. So far he'd managed to survive wandering the ship without getting himself in too bad of a mood. Here and there he'd gotten himself involved in conversations with people. There'd been a pretty girl on the top deck sunbathing who he'd said something to that he couldn't remember now, but she hadn't seem too upset about it, so Cam assumed it had been something nice. Then again, he didn't remember the exchange too well.

He'd wandered in out of various places looking for bars, and he couldn't remember the names of half the places he'd been into, or even how many, just that they'd served him plenty of drinks before he decided to continue on. Eventually he got tired of walking and found himself outside a diner. It looked inviting enough, and opting out of sitting at any of the tables he'd walked straight to the counter and sat down, ordering a plate of fries and a glass of water. He hadn't particularly liked the way the waitress had looked at him, but he shrugged it off. Instead he sat and waited until his order came.

It took longer than he would have liked, and Cameron took it as a personal slight on his character. That was until the waitress smiled prettily at him, and that was that. Biting into a too hot fry, he tried giving her a smile back but ended up swearing when his mouth was burnt. It earned him a look that clearly wasn't impressed. Muttering to himself he grabbed his glass of water and gulped some down, not noticing when he spilled some on himself.
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