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Oblivion ::: An Original RP

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SELF-REFLECTION [15 Jan 2009|01:21am]
[ mood | contemplative ]

Who: Lisa
Where: G Deck - 8203 - The Mirror Room
When: 6:30 PM - Shortly before the captain's speech

Lisa stood in her room looking at her reflection. Actually, it was kind of hard not to look at her reflection. Earlier that day, when she had been shown to her room, she had been shocked at the size of the place upon first opening the door; the cabin seemed to go on forever! But a second later, her mind caught up with what her eyes were seeing. It was a normal-sized room, but the walls were completely covered in mirrors. So instead of seeing the walls, what you really saw was a reflection of the room back to the wall behind you, which of course showed a reflection of the room back to the wall in front of you, and so on into infinity. The only things to break up the infinite reflections were the furnishings, all in white, and the flat-screen TV on one wall. With its pale hardwood floor, the place somewhat reminded her of a big dance studio. It really was a remarkable room, but a little intimidating too. Lisa could see thousands of versions of herself standing in a forever repeating pattern, interspersed with thousands of copies of the room’s furnishings. Even though she knew she was alone in the room, she saw movement all around each time she made a move, and it always felt like thousands of eyes were watching her. One thing about this room: it won’t let you hide from yourself, she thought.

Now here it was a few hours later, and Lisa had still not gotten entirely used to this room, but she had decided to make good use of the mirrored walls. She had donned one of the evening gowns she had bought in Miami for this cruise. It was solid white, had a low-cut neckline, and hung in loose silky folds off her shoulders, leaving her arms bare. A white sash held it snug around her slender waist. When she had first laid eyes on it, it had conjured up visions of Greek goddesses, which seemed to her to fit in perfectly with the Homeric theme of the cruise ship. She spun around in a graceful dance move, watching all the reflections to see how the fabric flowed around her form. If I were a Greek goddess, which one would I be? she mused. Aphrodite? I guess I’m fairly attractive, but that seems like an awfully high standard to meet. Artemis? No way. She likes to shoot things, and I really, REALLY hate doing that. Athena? I may be pretty intelligent, but something tells me I’m a long way from being wise. Hera? She was the queen, but probably best known for having a no-good husband who was constantly cheating on her... hmmm. She stepped closer to the mirrored wall and stared directly into her own reflected eyes. Silly girl. Trying to figure out which goddess you could be, but you don’t really even know who YOU are anymore, do you? I thought I did once... A tear ran down her cheek, but she quickly wiped it away. She stepped back from the mirror. "This is probably too formal to wear tonight. I’ll save it for New Year’s Eve", she said to herself as she removed the gown.

Putting the gown away, she went through the rest of her clothes, trying to decide what to wear. She pulled out a little black dress. Can’t go wrong with one of these, she thought. She put on some black stockings, wiggled into the tight dress, and pushed her feet into a pair of black suede stiletto-heeled pumps. Looking at her reflection once again, she gave a nod of approval and started towards the door. I hope I’m in time for the captain’s speech, she thought as she exited her room.

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