Oblivion ::: An Original RP's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Oblivion ::: An Original RP

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Not the best first meeting... [14 Jan 2009|03:21pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]

Who: Azi and Sophie
When: Dinnertime! Just before the good captain's speech.
Where: Circean Delight

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can we say awkward? [14 Jan 2009|10:38pm]
Who: Ella and Azi
When: During dinner - after Sophie's departure
Where: Circean Delight

Ella had taken a nap after meeting Aaren and had forgotten to set an alarm clock. She woke up extremely late and rushed around getting ready. She burst into Circean Delight just in time to see Sophie's departure from Azi's table. Ella had had a couple of drinks in her room and was feeling feisty so she decided to join him.

She stood up and smoothed down her dress and walked over to Azi's table. He didn't look up, so she cleared her throat. "I see you're scaring off B-rate scream queens huh? What'd you do? Or was it just your sunny disposition?"

Ella settled herself in the seat as far away from Azi as possible. Feeling feisty as she was, she was also smart enough to realize that her presence wouldn't exactly be welcome.
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