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[Jun. 8th, 2009|03:10 pm]
Hey everyone! So apparently Pinky on vacation + tons of free time = fun new rp things! More specifically, we have a shiny new character table in our FAQ. It's only partially done and I need your help to finish it.
1. Please check the links for your characters to make sure I put them in right.
2. I picked which ever icon showed the most of the characters face with no writing on it (with only one exception *shifty eyes*). If you would like a different icon used, please point me in the right direction.
3. Please let me know if your character is Pure blood, half blood or muggle born
4. I would like to as many npcs represented on the npc board so I would really like if if I could have everyones npcs. Please point me to the icon, name of the npc, and rl person name (if you have it). This includes family members, assistants etc.
5. Any corrections that need to be done. I started going a little cross eyed at some point so I'm sure I made mistakes.

Thanks for your help!

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Happy birthday! Happy birthday! Happy birthday! [Jun. 5th, 2009|11:58 pm]


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[May. 25th, 2009|10:13 pm]
I was thinking about picking up a new character because I totally have the time right now. Who do you think I should do? Any suggestions?
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Shiny happy people holding hands, shiny happy people laughing [May. 21st, 2009|10:25 pm]

Awwww look, like mom like daughter...and son...and son and other son. HOLY SHIT WEASLEYS )
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You can see I'm in no shape for driving, and anyway I've got no place to go [May. 19th, 2009|03:09 am]
Just a quick note, Amanda, our Ginny and Anya, is evil lucky enough to be on vacation somewhere better and won't be around for about a week. That is all.

We will now return you to our regularly scheduled programming.
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Pink macaroons and a million balloons, I want it now! [May. 8th, 2009|11:08 pm]
Hello chickies! So I'm constantly updating the most wanted part of our ads and want to know if anyone had any requests for certain characters. The last round of ads I had Ron, Fred, Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs, and Bad Guys. So if there is someone you really want, let me know and I can switch up the ad.

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[Mar. 31st, 2009|07:29 pm]

I hate to do this, because you guys are a great group of people. But having thought about it for a while, I've come to the realization that my kids and I just don't fit into the game. I figure things would be better if I just open them up rather than risk wasting everyone's time. I do wish you all of the very best, and I'm sorry we won't get to play together :(

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Happy Birthday Chickadee! [Mar. 9th, 2009|11:29 am]
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*peek* [Feb. 27th, 2009|08:20 am]
Okay...this is an extremely tenative return-from-hiatus post. I refuse to say absolutely anything about the state of the internet because I will jinx something if I do... just know that if I suddenly vanish from AIM or I stop replying for a good day or two, it is because the 'net has decided that it still hates me. It even tried to delete my screenname from the sign-on list on AIM...I mean seriously internet, that's just low, why would you even think about doing that to me.

PSA: RIP Yuki's frog Twitch. :/ May you twitch on in the froggie afterlife.
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While my internet is still working... [Feb. 15th, 2009|07:50 pm]
Okay, I have to go on hiatus until this problem with my internet sorts itself out. I'm lucky to be online for long enough to check my email nowadays, because something is wrong with the power and the router keeps disconnecting itself. We don't know what's causing it or how to fix it, and as far as I'm aware of, all steps to try and fix it have already been taken. :/ I'm so tired of fighting with the router and having to reset it every five minutes. I honestly don't know what's wrong with it. >< It's been going on for over like a week and a half now and blargh angerfrustrationcontempt.

If you need me, I know at least three of you have my cell number. Otherwise, I'm just gonna have to wait until this problem is fixed to do anything. It's so frustrating to have to reboot it every five and a half minutes.

I'm so sorry about this. ><

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I was dreaming when I wrote this forgive me if it goes astray [Feb. 12th, 2009|01:26 am]
Hey ladies! So the Valentine's Day ball post will be going up later today (you know after I get 8 or so hrs of sleep) and I just wanted to remind all but one and a half of you, that it would be really awesome if you replied to this post here with the dress and mask of your female character(s). At the ball everyone will have the chance to vote for who they would like to be the Queen of Hearts and since no one will know who anyone in with the masks on (ok so not really but, hey let's pretend) it will be based off dress/costume and mask. So please, please, please comment at this post with your dress and mask. Thank you!
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JOYEUX ANIVERSAIRE!!!! [Feb. 8th, 2009|05:55 pm]

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[Jan. 31st, 2009|04:03 pm]

Hey guys :)

It's Bee, with Hermione. I can't wait to start playing with her, but in order to do so I really need to work out her background with everyone. With everything in her past being so convoluted, I'd love to be able to work out who her friends are, and where things stand :) I plan on playing her as close to the books as I can possibly manage, but if there is ever anything that's off please let me know.

As it stands, Hermione's working for the Ministry at the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, and will very likely see Ministry people on a regular basis. Anyway, I really would like to work stuff out, so comment here or IM me?

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[Jan. 20th, 2009|12:29 am]
I'm so sorry I've barely been around at all lately. I hate to keep using work as an excuse, but I'm looking at almost a full-time schedule this week, and most of my free time (after work anyway, aka at ungodly hours) is/has been spent with le bf and my/our friends. School starts up for me on Thursday, so that takes out Tuesday and Thursday mornings, but those afternoons are probably still good. I'm thinking I will be dropping one of my characters soon, because I just don't have the time to juggle three anymore. :'(
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wassssupppp [Jan. 11th, 2009|11:49 pm]
Hi homies!

Ok, ghetto moment over.

As you know I, Amanda, have caved and gotten another character. There is a little bit I have to explain about her. She's what we call...a double agent! Yay! And she has been in the past an undercover double agent. Her blonde self is the "good" Anya who is deeply loyal to all her friends and is sweet and kind and an auror etc...the brunette Anya is a cold blooded killer. She can change her appearance like Tonks, except only her hair color, which seems to be enough to fool people, and no one knows about it. So all this is strictly OOC information. Unless you have reason to suspect her, (i.e. Kingsley in the future or now perhaps), you cannot use this knowledge for your character's benefit. Everyone likes Anya yay!

So remember: Blonde = good and the Anya everyone likes. Brunette = BAD and if you see her, you'll probably end up in pain. :)
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[Jan. 5th, 2009|03:42 am]

Hey guys,

It's Bee with my second character, Mandy Brocklehurst. She's a cursebreaker working for Gringotts and has been gone on assignment for the last 6 months. She recently turned 21, and went to school with those in Harry's year. She's very smart, in love with all things Quidditch and a big, big nerd. She's also a former Ravenclaw, so she would likely know those guys best, though she's very friendlyh but shy around everyone else. Anyway, I would really, really love to work somethings/backgrounds out :) plz

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Apologies [Jan. 3rd, 2009|12:04 pm]
Hey guys. It's Samara/Hermione. I just wanted to blush furiously, stare at the floor and say I'm really sorry about how Mione's been being played. I have a tendency to wander off into OOC land without even knowing it. I didn't mean to make anyone mad or frustrated. It's a Samara thing. I have this magnetic field for error. LOL

Forgive me.

Samara/Sammie/Sam I'm probably making another booboo by posting this here, so if it doesn't belong, then I sorry! *headdesk* Oi.
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Plotty goodness [Dec. 31st, 2008|03:16 pm]
Hey everyone! The lock down will go from 5am-9pm in game time. The post or posts (should anyone else want to post during the lock down) can go on until they're done. You are not required to participate in the lock down, we just thought it would be a fun way to get everyone involved. Do not feel that you have to have your character locked in Diagon Alley or the Ministry, they could have gone for a walk or whatever. You can apparate, Floo and portkey into the Ministry and Diagon Alley, but you cannot get out. The Knight Bus cannot get in or out. Characters can move freely with in Diagon Alley, the ministry and between Diagon Alley and the Ministry. The WWN will repeat the information all day so anyone who is near a wireless will know what is going on. If you have any questions, just im us, at least one of us should be on. Have fun and enjoy the drama! And have a happy New Year!
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New Years Ball? [Dec. 29th, 2008|05:01 pm]
Hokay, I've been meaning to post about this since the beginning of time, but what with the holidays and work and all I've been mega busy.

When is everyone available for a New Years Ball? I'm not gonna be home New Years Eve, and I work New Years Day, but maybe the second? Would what work for everyone? It can be a new years/Yule ball.

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puffitude HAPPY THANKSGIVING everybody! =D I hope you all had a great day!
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