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Plot? [Sep. 14th, 2009|10:32 am]
Hey all,

So, does anyone have any plot ideas to affect everyone in the game? Anything you'd like to happen?
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:( [Sep. 13th, 2009|03:42 pm]
We have unfortunately lost our Hermione. Please update your friends lists and remove [info]bookish_lioness

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[Sep. 13th, 2009|12:20 am]

I hate to do this but I'm just not feeling it anymore here. In fact I'm halfway tempted to quit all group RPGs (not related to this RPG...bad incident that happened elsewhere x.x;)

I hope one day I can feel better and return here but for now, I must say goodbye. I'm really sorry =( You can all feel free to contact me on AIM at MioneG80
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Player leaving [Sep. 10th, 2009|04:23 pm]
As I'm sure you've seen, Jen has unfortunately had to leave the game. Please remove [info]rjlupin from your friends lists. :(

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Character drop [Sep. 9th, 2009|06:27 am]
Soooo I'm sorry to do this but I'm dropping Nott again. I'm just not feeling him. =.=' So anyway, remove [info]heseesthestrals from your lists.

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[Sep. 5th, 2009|02:24 am]
Hi all. Just wanted to poke me head in.

I bring you Kristen Moon. Slytherin Alumni class of 1999.

I'll have a profile posted sometime tomorrow probably..takes awhile to write out and sadly spooty work in the morning.

Anywho, I am reachable by AIM: Inventedtoast, Email, or by bat signal.
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New Player!!!!!!! [Sep. 5th, 2009|01:27 am]
Hi all!

We've got a new player, who will be taking up the character Kristen Moon ([info]shymoon}. Please welcome Josh!

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Character removal. [Sep. 3rd, 2009|11:00 am]
Hi all,

Unfortunately Devon has had to drop the game, so please remove Draco [info]son_of_badfaith.

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Damn the code, damn all the code! [Aug. 29th, 2009|01:13 pm]
Hey everyone! So I took this rainy Saturday as a sign to finish up some stuff I've been meaning to do, but find it hard to do when kittens crawl on your laptop. So, the wanted table and the locations table are finally up to date. Please look over them and make sure I didn't forget something or mess something up. I think there was a point where I went crosseyed and Roger's name became Marcus Flint and the code imploded. If there is anything you would like me to add, just comment to the post and I will do so. Mistakes? Shoot me an im.

(I'm sure you'll notice that now everyone is listed in the wants table, whether they have a paragraph or not. This was mainly to save my sanity when adding things.)

Oh and on a side note, we will need secrets by the end of tomorrow. Anyone? Bueller?
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A reminder [Aug. 26th, 2009|09:21 am]
Hey guys! So just a few more days to get your secrets in, we've only got one so far. We need them in four days! Please pm them to the prophets journal
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New player, new character (sort of) [Aug. 18th, 2009|02:08 pm]
Due to a busy schedule irl, Joey has decided to drop Tonks. However, we've got a new player who is picking up Tonks. Please welcome Froda, and add [info]auror_tonks to your friend's lists.

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:( [Aug. 14th, 2009|09:04 pm]
Unfortunately, things have become too busy for Riley in real life and she's had to leave the game. Please remove [info]serpentpride, [info]supportcannons and [info]katiebug from your friend's lists.

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[Aug. 1st, 2009|10:28 am]

Hey guys! So, because quite a few players aren't going to be around this weekend for the Happy Birthday Extravaganza so I'm going to push it back until everyone can be there. I'll think of a reason why it was pushed back, once the post goes up.

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[Jul. 24th, 2009|04:50 pm]
AHHHHHH! Okay, so. I was supposed to go on vacation with a few friends in about 2 weeks...But I just got called by my best friend saying, "SHIT, change of plans, we're leaving tomorrow. SEE YOU AT 6!!!!" So, Katie will miss her own birthday party and the rest of my characters will miss whatever else is going on...

So, if you guys could kind of be like...YEAH KATIE WAS THERE AND SHE WAS SURPRISED! That would be nice.

Well, I have packing to do, but I will definatley be on in like an hour and tonight, so no worries.

Sorry times 10 million,
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[Jul. 22nd, 2009|11:21 pm]

Hey, guess who actually got a screen name? Me! Add me. asolitarywillow


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Another new player!!! [Jul. 18th, 2009|10:06 am]
Hey all, we've got a Sirius! Please welcome Mic and add [info]siriusnuffles to your lists.

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Something old, something new.... [Jul. 15th, 2009|09:24 pm]
Hey all,

Okay so in light of some recent decisions we've decided that we will open up the character of Draco Malfoy. Yes, I know he had a difficult history in the old game but we will explain that handily away with clones or something. Honestly, we are our own game and while we do have ties to the game of the past, there is no reason we can't press on without being fettered by it and that should include allowing every character. We will have a few particular restrictions for any prospective Dracos (for example, not a total d-bag and not trying to take over the world) and will explain the history to them to the best of our ability. We've been making a lot of changes in the game recently and moving forward and we've been around for over two years. I definitely think we have proven we're our own institution. Thoughts? Opinions?

ADDENDUM: So we started looking through the game and realized that there is nowhere where we actually have the history of Draco from the old game and it was all lost with GJ. So in this case, clean slate. The "Dark Lord" of the war was, indeed, Voldemort. If any characters happen to mention Draco as the Dark Lord in their history please just change it. I guess that's that. This makes transitions much smoother.
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Ch-ch-ch-changes! [Jul. 9th, 2009|01:35 pm]
Hey everyone, so as you probably saw we have a new thing over here. Since we have so many new businesses and that sort of thing, to help everyone remember and for new players we thought this might help. Obviously if your business is listed and you want a new description or picture (it must be 175x175) just shoot it our way. Everything that's there now is most definitely replaceable. If you have a business you would like us to add, pm/im/email Ash or I.

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Enfin, comment dire "je ne veux pas te perdre"? [Jul. 8th, 2009|09:56 am]
Hokai! I have the internet again, so I'm off hiatus. My work schedule is still kind of eating my life, but at least for now it's manageable. Is there a way to sync up replies to posts to your cell phone? 'Cause that would totally rock. I always have my phone with me and it's always on. (Bee-tee-dub, I have a Transformers band-aid on my toe and it looks like a really cool toe ring.)

Anyway, uhh...dear lord, what's up?

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Hey, so- [Jun. 29th, 2009|06:48 pm]

So, I dunno if anyone in here is interested in Marvel, but I'm starting a Marvel rpg on the side. If anyone might like to join, let me know. :)

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