Jan. 28th, 2016


open tidbit

He was running again. Always running. People chased after him with pitch forks, cleavers, and lit torches. Why, he couldn't particularly say. John wasn't a good man by the strictest of definitions but neither had anything he'd done been so wrong as to inspire this level of hostility. Up ahead there appeared to be a river with currents strong enough to sweep him away, dashing out his life against sharpened rocks. Salvation appeared to him in the form of a fiery red-haired woman offering him free passage with a smile but, for every second that he looked to her with bright eyed appreciation, he couldn't help thinking that her teeth were conspicuously sharp. As if they just waiting for the perfect moment to devour him whole ...

In the waking world his twitching, sleeping form was slumped in a darkened corner of the inn where he'd earned the right to stay overnight in their common area in exchange for working as a scullery maid. Occasionally he muttered and cursed; he was obviously upset. But wasn't there some old wives tale about waking someone from a bad dream? Only one way to find out what the consequences may be!

Jan. 18th, 2016


trying out tidbits; jump on in

Sometime in late afternoon, Althea decided to walk through the market in Spellton. She smiled at and acknowledged everyone she saw. "Nice day, isn't it? What are you here to buy?"

Jan. 14th, 2016


Who John and OPEN
What Pushing in toward Arcanis
When Thursday; wee hours of morning
Where Outskirts of the city
Rating Tbd but probably low

One wasn't like to hire a carpenter with no hammer or a blacksmith with no -- well, hammer. Quite a few professions involved that hyper-masculine symbol, it seemed. )

Jan. 10th, 2016


Who: John and OPEN
What: Looking for shelter
When: Sunday evening
Where: Treefall
Rating: Projected PG

Rain, rain go away. Come again some other day. )