July 9th, 2017

[info]andintheendfear in [info]nowhereisleooc

Attention Heroes, Police, Good Citizens and that sort

So a murder is going down. Nothing dramatic, a victim who went around screaming in abject terror unlike anything seen before (uh, unless you're from DC, then you've seen it) before throwing himself off the largest building around to go splat against the ground.

Horrifying, I know.

Ze clues! An unknown toxic substance in the blood, witness reports of said terror filled craze, reports of a young man (mid-thirties, Redish brown hair, blue eyes) seen accosting the victim before said terror, wearing casual clothing and a needle gauntlet (http://images.mocpages.com/user_images/71834/14364103671_SPLASH.jpg).

On a wall in a dim alley, the world: Welcome to Hell.

Have fun!