September 2nd, 2014

[info]dragonsong in [info]nowhereisleooc

Just A Reminder

We are leaving Wednesday for holidays. My sweet husband gave me an off-leash walk with the Wolves - so stoked, if you know me you know how into wolves I am. Then we are going to Banff National Park in Banff, Alberta - it's a beautiful place.

I've added the links in case you get into things like that.

Wolf park link -

While I'm gone my computer is going back into the shop, so I'm not sure what day I'll be back online.

The wolf experience is going to be difficult to keep up with them so please send me your good thoughts on Friday.

I don't think it will really affect anyone but Danerys and the people she is rping with, and Gorgo, but it does also include Gorgo and Faith.