March 1st, 2014

[info]were_allmadhere in [info]nowhereisleooc

So...I'm easily enabled. I bring you:

Roxas - Kingdom Hearts - [info]key_of_desitny_ - Roxas is a Nobody, a being without a heart (er, soulless? It's confusing). He is also one of the few destined to wield what is known as a Keyblade, a sword that defeats his world's evil (Heartless, beings that devour hearts/souls/whatever they are). Created when his 'other', Sora was taken by the Heartless, Roxas became a member of a terrorist organization known as Organization XIII (yeah...not very creative there with names). After the events of Kingdom Hearts II, Roxas was re-absorbed into Sora and all was thought to be fine, until complications in Dream Drop Distance ripped them apart. Now, Roxas holds not only his own, fledgling heart (soul), but Ventus' as well, changing who he was...which makes him itchy. (...this makes sense, really!)

Doctor Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow - DC Comics - [info]andintheendfear - Doctor Crane is an AU version of the oh so popular Bat-villain, Scarecrow. Still a creepy psychiatrist (yes, someone gave Crane a medical license, fear Gotham's judgement), with a fetish for fear, but this one spins off after Hugo Strange hypnotized him to believe he was two separate personalities. The false memories took too firm of hold and now he actually IS both Jonathan and Scarecrow (and Scarebeast, but we don't talk about him).

Cheshire E. Cat - Alice in Wonderland/American McGee's Alice/Kingdom Hearts - [info]were_allmadhere - Once upon a time Cheshire was a cat...a normal, little tabby...then he fell into a hole. Then he got cursed. Now he's a sarcastic, slightly evil, chaos loving human/cat...thing trying to find his way home and back to his Alice. He would also like some damn tea.

Doctor Bruce Banner - Marvel Cinematic Universe - [info]internal_rage - ...he's the Hulk.