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Feb. 18th, 2014


Valentines Day Gifts

OOC: This is all the Valentine's Gifts! I know it isnt ALL my characters but it is the ones that DEMANDED I find gifts for people. V-Day! )

Feb. 17th, 2014


(Backdated to Feb 14) Gifts/Text to Audrey

Along with the text, Lia sent the following gifts:

Gift 1, Gift 2, Gift 3

Feb. 14th, 2013


Valentines Day Gifts For ALL

And you know what will happen? I will fall in love with you. Because I always, always do. ~~ Marilyn Monroe )

Feb. 12th, 2013


The following were left in Hayden's room:

SWEETS next to a decoratively wrapped box containing his OWN INVITATION for this holiday. (It says 'Be My Valentine' on it instead)

A CARD was included, with the following written on the inside:


Would you be my valentine? Both at the dance and for the entire day?


Dec. 14th, 2012


Birthday Gifts; From Jin, Minako and Riku.

(OOC: I'm doing them all in one journal entry so to prevent spammage! And yes I know they are mine... These guys are just bratty and awake)

From Jin;
Fenghuang Sun (Friday); One; Two

Haku-Chan! (Minako) (Saturday); One (Yes he brought an autographed thing of Xixi's); Two; Three

From Minako; (On Friday)

Sun-san; Gift!

From Riku; (On Friday)
Sun-San; One

Dec. 12th, 2012


Happy Birthday Ophelia and Viola

All gifts were delievered wrapped to the girl's respective rooms the morning of their birthday.

For Your Birthday )

Sep. 25th, 2012


Package for Storm!

Left in a box for Storm in front of her door:

On top of the box was a note stating the following:

I hope you're ready to have your world rocked tonight. I thought this outfit was appropriate for such an intimate occasion, and I know my choice will shock you, which makes it even better.

I'll see you at my room at 7pm. Don't worry, your bra will be safe until then.


Sep. 14th, 2012


Gifts for Kiss!

Left for Kiss on her bed the morning of her birthday:

Gift 1, Gift 2, Gift 3, Gift 4, Gift 5

Cupcakes were also brought over after classes; which the sisters shared and invited a select few to enjoy with them ;)


Gifts for Alex!!!!

The following, plus a card, were left for Alex on the morning of his birthday:

Gift 1, Gift 2, Treats!

**All except the cupcakes were wrapped in a big box decorated like this**

Aug. 14th, 2012


Happy Birthday Adrian!

Roxy brought these to Adrian's dorm this morning before classes!

Gift 1 and a shit ton of these

She also came bearing cake that she made ALL by herself. (Ok maybe Nacola helped some) She says "Yes it doesn't look amazing but it will still taste good!"

Jul. 5th, 2012


The following were waiting for Amelie when she returned from classes in the afternoon:

Gift 1
Gift 2
Gift 3
Gift 4

There was also a card including the following:

"Little Lie,

I hope you've been having a wonderful day today. Sorry these are late, but we all know how shipping can be. I hope you like everything, though don't feel bad telling me if you don't. The last is a little something extra for sweetness because I couldn't let your brother have ALL the glory. ;) Have fun with your day, and I'll cover for anything that happens where he's concerned. ;)

Love ya kid,


Birthday Gifts for Amelie!

The following was left for Amelie on her birthday:

Gift 1
Gift 2
And something sweet!

There is also a card attached. It reads with the following:

I hope you enjoy all the gifts and sweet treats that you OBVIOUSLY deserve on your special day. My mother helped me make the bracelet from the coral at home. I hope you like it and remember to have FUN today. You deserve it. :)


Jun. 13th, 2012


[June 10: Backdated Gifts; Noel and Candy!]

The following were left for Noel to find, having been mailed in plenty of time to make it on the morning of his birthday (placed on his bed by Candy XD):

Gift 1 (A travel/pack away goal setup for soccer), Gift 2, Gift 3, Gift 4

Nacola also wrote a song for him and put together a special video, which was saved on brand new camera for him to watch. <3 All nestled around a card with a personal message inside:


Happy Birthday, baby! I hope you're having a good time back home. I'm sure you are, but I miss you a lot. I went a little overboard on the gifts, but I couldn't resist spoiling you! I hope you like everything and have a wonderful day. I love so much, and wish I could be there to celebrate with you. I'll be there next weekend, though, and there might be a private extra gift in store for you when I get there. ;)

Nacola <3

**She also included these for Candy! One, Two, Three, Four

Mar. 17th, 2012


Gift for Audrey

Left outside Audrey's door (yes there were a knock and a door followed by quickly running away)

Whats inside? )

Feb. 21st, 2012



[OOC: Pretend this isn't late. Cy is not that stupid. His player, however, is. :D]

Flowers, Candy, Extra Sweets, Shiny Offering

**Plus a little something Naughty (he's being bold here, okay!?)**

Feb. 15th, 2012


Delivered Valentine's Day. (Niko's never late, yo!)

Tegan: Flowers, Candy, Squishy, Gift ONE, Gift TWO [Along with an invitation to join him for dinner and a date]

Mika: Flowers, Candy, Gift

Aerinn: Flowers, Candy

Andie: Candy, Gift


Kaedyn has a few ladies in his life that deserve Valentine's. So these were given out sporadically on Tuesday morning.

Poppy: Card, Flowers, Candy, Gift One, Gift Two

Elektra: Flowers, Candy, Gift One

Marlo: Flowers, Candy, Gift One, Gift Two


Valentine's Gifts

The following were delivered to London and Grace the morning of Valentine's Day.

Grace: Flowers, Card, Gift

London: Flowers, Candy, Gift

Audrey: Flowers, Card


Gifts for My Loves!

Despite it being her birthday, the following were delivered to those that matter on Lia's FAVORITE DAY of the year!

Kiss: Flowers, Candy, Shinies

Blaise: Gift ONE, Gift TWO

Gia: Gift ONE, Gift TWO

Aiya: Gift ONE, Gift TWO [All bracelets include each girl's initials on the heart]

J.A.: Gift ONE, Gift TWO

Nyx: Gift ONE, Gift TWO, Gift THREE [The last one is just in a box, where the second is only shown in a picture; of her WEARING it XD]