Aug. 31st, 2008


Who: teenage!Gabriel Gray, Sylar, future!Sylar, Claire Bennet, later future!Peter Petrelli and Veronica Mars
What: Pushing Gabriel over the edge
Where: future!Peter's room, then an unknown location
When: Late Saturday night
Rating: TBD, but probably pretty high for violence and (temporary) character death
Status: In Progress

He couldn't let it happen.

That was the only thought that ran through Gabriel Gray's mind that evening, as he lay there on his blanket on the floor, beside Peter's bed. Peter was asleep in the bed next to him; Gabe could hear the soft sound of his breathing, if he really listened. He couldn't let himself become like Sylar; either of them. No matter what the man had said, no matter what time might have at one time planned for him and for his future, he wouldn't be like them. He wouldn't be a killer. It was thoughts like this that kept Gabriel up and awake, laying there and staring at the wall. He couldn't close his eyes, couldn't make himself sleep; he was too worried. Though he hadn't had the heart to tell Peter, the ticking wasn't going away. At one time, just the other man's presence had kept the sound at bay. But now . . . now, no matter what he did, it was always there, lurking in the back of his head.

It wasn't going away; it was getting louder.