October 19th, 2008

[info]darksideofemo in [info]noescapeisland

Who: Five Years Gone!Peter and Nathan Petrelli
What: Peter tries to get Nathan out of his hiding hole
Where: The cove
When: Evening
Rating: PG-13, definitely, for language

Peter couldn't breathe. His lungs felt as if they were on fire, and there was a tightness in his chest that he hadn't felt in a very long time. Sylar was here, but it wasn't just any Sylar. It was his Sylar, the one who'd killed his brother and masqueraded as the President of the United States for god only knows how long.

Peter couldn't take it, couldn't deal with it, so he reverted back to his old habits and ran. He went invisible and snuck out of the facility. He had to talk about it with somebody, the way that he was feeling, but he didn't know who to trust. He didn't want to worry Gabriel, his Gabriel, and Nathan. . .

Nathan. There was a Nathan he could talk about, a Nathan that needed a Peter more than anything in the world. He closed his eyes and concentrated for a moment, pinpointing his brother's (not his brother, but a lookalike and that was good enough for him) location. With a deep breath, he teleported to the cove where Nathan was hiding, specifically in a small cave beneath the cliffs.

"Nathan?" he said cautiously as he stepped inside the cave.