September 27th, 2008

[info]watchmakerangel in [info]noescapeisland

Who: Gabriel Gray, Petra Petrelli, then future!Peter Petrelli
What: Gabriel gets revenge, and the aftermath
Where: Petra's room, then the jungle
When: backdated to Thursday afternoon
Rating: PG-13 for violence
Warnings: Character death
Status: Complete

It had to be done. There was no other way. )

[info]shotgun_waltz in [info]noescapeisland

Who: Jo Harvelle [OPEN]
What: Arrival
Where: Outside, on the beach
When: Evening
Rating: PG
Warnings: None so far
Status: In-progress

Send in your skeletons, sing as their bones go marching in... again. The need you buried deep, the secrets that you keep are at the ready. Are you ready? )