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Dec. 25th, 2017


Dunno if anyone still peeks in here, but in case...

I hope everyone's having a good holiday, a Merry Christmas, and/or a good Monday if you don't celebrate it. Missing you all. <3

Aug. 14th, 2017


Are we live? I think we're alive. :3

*taps mic tentatively* Is this thing on?

I'm back. And tremendously sorry for disappearing on everyone. Life sucks, that really sums it up, lol. My life is still in flux right now and the move obnoxiously still isn't complete (when a realtor tells you it will take no time to sell a house, they might be exaggerating -.-) but I'm here and I'm going to do my level best to be around. I've missed you guys so, so much. <3

If anyone wants to get something going with characters, let me know! I've got a couple posts/scenes that have been bouncing around my head the past couple weeks that I need to write up, but I'll try not to spam up everyone's friends page too much. :3 As far as my roster, I'm dropping Thalia (I know the comm cast page is badly in need of an update, I hope to get the mod journal dusted off this week) and Alex is headed for death at some point. Can't let the naughty hunter boy live, can we? *cue evil laughter* Everyone else I think is fine unless I can't find their muse this week.

So how's everyone been? Had a good summer/winter? Anyone been planning anything delightfully fun/evil/devious? lol.

Mar. 13th, 2017


Final post-IJ outage restoration

As promised, due to the IJ outage impacting on people being able to see friends locked posts in communities, I have removed and readded everyone from the comms using the usernames in the cast list for reference. Please go to and accept the invites.

If you did not get a reinvite please just request membership.

If you wish to drop a character you don't need to rejoin, but it'd be nice if you could leave a comment for us saying who you're dropping so we can update the lists accordingly.

If users on your friend's page are coming up in weird colours you'll want to untick everyone on this list: save changes, retick everyone on the list, save changes. It should reset to default.

Any other questions please let us know. Thanks all :)

Mar. 7th, 2017


Quick update

Not sure how short-lived this is but IJ seems to be back with some problems.

1. Check your custom groups. They may be open to public or people may have been added/removed to them.

2. As part of the restoration all the people who have left the comms/been deleted from f-lists have been restored as well. We've deleted them from the 2 IC comms again. If you have been deleted from [info]nocturnal_ic and/or [info]nocturnal_comm, it was an accident, please comment here or email us at modsnocturnal[at]gmail with your username(s).

3. If you cannot see any f-locked posts in [info]nocturnal_ic or [info]nocturnal_comm (there should be some on the front page) the only known fix for this is to leave the asylum and reapply. You could wait it out to see if there is a fix but if there isn't we will do a mass delete/re-add on the 12th. If you really need to see f-locked posts before then please leave a comment here or email us at modsnocturnal[at]gmail with your username(s).

4. Some of your icons will be broken. Delete/re-upload. It might take several tries.

5. To leave a comment it will cycle through comment IDs that have already been used since 3 weeks ago so you may have to refresh, in some cases dozens of times, to get a comment to go through. Please be patient, just keep refreshing, it will go through.

If you were thinking of creating a new journal or recreating one that you've lost since 13th Feb, we would recommend waiting a few days until the dust settles.

That's all folks! We've missed you dearly and hope to see you all around soon :)

Feb. 1st, 2017


Just a quick heads-up that I won't be active much due to adulting that needs doing and self-imposed February projects that need finishing.

You can reach me via any of my puppets' drop boxes or via e-mail (should be on the contact list).



Jan. 1st, 2017



It's 2017 so we shan't talk about the clusterfuck of 2016 or why I disappeared for a bit (I wish I could say I was abducted by aliens or something remotely entertaining, alas, the mountains I climbed were mundane).

I'm back now and Milena and Nova would like to continue their plots, please. <333

- Nik

Dec. 25th, 2016


Happy Holidays, lovelies! Hope you're all with your loved ones and stuffing your faces with delicious food as I am. 8D

Let's all gather and spam each other's f-lists in 2017 again.

--Ling and the boys and girls

Dec. 21st, 2016


I know I've been quiet lately but my annual roadtrip is coming up so I'll be actually gone gone from the 24th to the 3rd.

Hope to come back into full swing next year. Enjoy the festive season and look after yourselves :)

Nov. 24th, 2016


I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving for those who are celebrating it today. And if you're not, I hope you have a great day. :D

We're very thankful for all of you wonderful writers. It's a little crazy to think we're creeping up on two years, and it wouldn't be possible without all of you! So thank you for sticking around, for enriching the game world with your characters, and for all the fun shenanigans and IC drama. <3

- Lynz

Nov. 15th, 2016


I know I owe you guys stuff, there was a 7.5 quake on Monday in another part of the country and severe flooding in the capital today, we do a lot of business down there with their ATMs and parking meters etc. Our technicians are stranded and work is just a mess. I'll get to stuff when I can, sorry for the delay~

Nov. 8th, 2016


Hello fellow not-countrymen!

I'll be on holiday overseas from 13 Nov until 24 Nov. I don't reckon I'll be online much during that time, at least not for RP reasons, so declaring a hiatus for at least those eleven days. ^_^

I won't be leaving until Sunday afternoon. If there's anything we need to discuss/plot before then, feel free to hit up any of my puppets' drop boxes or e-mail me. :)


Nov. 4th, 2016


Apologies to all! Real life kind of took over for a bit but I think I've wrestled it into submission for now. *fingers crossed* Replies on everything I owe and new posts will be up post-haste, I promise. <3

Oct. 17th, 2016



Hi everyone,

I'm Clara, bringing in Philippe de la Valliere, the claimed slave of Princess Cladia ([info]nacht. His story is that he is from a dynasty of vampire hunters, but his parents (the last) were executed following a failed assassination attempt of some honcho. He gets into a lot of trouble because he's like the Kim K of this world - rich, fashionable, spoiled, with more cars than he should have - that and the fact that there are vampires out there who want to get rid of him).

More info about him is here!

I'm up for all kinds of plot!

Oct. 16th, 2016


WHY HELLO, you most beautiful band of... loveliness! (Smooth, am I right?)

Anyway I'm leaving a note here to say that I would really love to start working on some threads with you all, with any and all of the characters I currently have on my roster (Kate, Victoria, Zara, Henry, Kenna, Ruby and Alicia) and/or maybe doing some plotting for story lines down the road.

I'm also up for multiple threads with characters so if someone is like "oh hey Alicia and so-and-so need to do A Thing" and you also wanted to do A Thing with Alicia, odds are I'm down for each and every one, so on that note I bid you adieu.

Oh and here's a gif of a sloth to symbolize my general slowness and because they are magical weirdos. And also because gif parties.

Oct. 6th, 2016


Rhys needs lines. Anyone? Grace too.


Hi there...

I just wanted to point out that Wulff is still available to poke fun at or, hey... Send the cops at him why not since he left such a nice little corpse the other day. ;-) Since my friend left the game I hardly have anyone for him to interact with.

Not sure if I haven't tried hard enough or done it wrongly, but Victor still needs a regular client. He is my darkfic character so anything goes. Of course, if you want your kind character to be his regular, that works to. I just need interaction with him to. At least he has his two friends, Rose and Romeo, which I am ever so grateful for!

Karl has his new owner Rhys but that is pretty much it. I was wondering if anyone would mind having him crack their characters website or server to find some interesting information either on the character personally or their business? Currently he don't have much to do, so he sits playing around online pretty much constantly (when he is not at the gym adding to his muscles or play nice at the Rothenburg Nursery Home).

In short, I am starting to wonder if my characters must be horribly boring? Or if I'm not going through the right channels when I try to get something for them to do? Or you all contacting each other in other ways than through IJ? Is it because of the time-zone I'm in? I'm just worried my boys are boring! :-P

/ KSena

Oct. 3rd, 2016


Hi everyone!

At this point, we're aiming to have the plot wrap up the week of the 17th. Naturally repercussions from the events in the city will continue to be felt, as with any event, but the civil unrest will be dying down and life will return to normal for most New Yorkers. We wanted to announce our planned deadline so everyone has plenty of time to continue to take part in the plot as much or as little as they would like.

As always, thank you all for being wonderful. <3

Sep. 8th, 2016


Going to Zurich for a short holiday tomorrow, returning Sunday night. My puppets won't be around during, as internet access will be very limited/non-existent. Besides, I'll be channelling Anya and soak up all the artsy-fartsy things happening at Manifesta 11 anyway. XD

Cheers (don't burn the place down while I'm away) <3

Sep. 3rd, 2016


Remember Grace that I was working on? Guess who's in the game. She's Nicolai's pet, and will do anything to keep her Prince happy. I not completely awake enough for anything so detailed.

Gimme lines.

Aug. 31st, 2016


Ahem. I have an announcement. It's my weekend and I don't go back to work until next Tuesday. Who wants to play?!

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