September 2017




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Sep. 2nd, 2017


Text to Dove:

How about we celebrate your birthdays, albeit a bit belatedly.

Aug. 24th, 2017



[Text to Julie]
Sorry I missed your call.
I was sleeping.
Had the nightshift.
Everything all right?

[Text to Matt]
When I die, I want to be buried in Salzburg with her and the boys.
I know it doesn't make a difference, but if it's in any way possible, please send my corpse back home.
I don't want to rot here.

Aug. 20th, 2017


She took care of the final one herself. Reminiscent of when she'd taught one of her elite guards a lesson in following orders, Irina's fingers were tipped in red for more than the color of her nail polish. She pressed a bloody fingerprint onto the bottom right of the parchment. As her Spartans dragged the body from her office, the Tsarina cleaned her fingers with a silk cloth and reread the message she'd written to her Prince.


So far as can be determined this was the last of the anti-Daywalkers among your staff. He lasted longer than the others, and I believe he spoke the truth at the end. If there any more of the movement in your immediate circle they have at least received the message that they are not just unwelcome, but will be rooted out.

I hope this finds you well.

Best regards,

I. Romanov

Satisfied with her missive, it was given to one of her more trusted Spartans to be delivered to the Prince personally with instructions to wait for a reply if one was forthcoming.

Aug. 15th, 2017


Since I'm still young enough to notice the years passing and this month now has two 'birth' days, I'm throwing a birthday bash at Cell Roron this Saturday night. Let's say from 9 until dawn, or whenever we're too tired to dance anymore. All are welcome and the first round of drinks is on me.

Jul. 27th, 2017


Private to Nicolai

Come home and curl up in bed with me please.

Jul. 12th, 2017


Surrounded by fields of lavender. The little one loves it.

Delivered to Romeo )

Jul. 3rd, 2017


Cue the yearly reminder about fireworks safety and drinking responsibly. I'll leave the lecturing for the fire department. We all just pretend to listen anyhow. The people who usually need the reminders are the ones setting themselves on fire every year.

Private to Eric
They letting you have the holiday off this year?


Suggestions for 4th of July karaoke? Bon Jovi and Bruce Springsteen are already on the list.

Jun. 30th, 2017


Clothing-optional orgy at my place this weekend. Don't waste it with family, you'll be calling sick on Monday anyway (Anton guarantee) and then you'll see them on the 4th.

7s and up are automatically invited. 6s will be considered on a face-by-face basis.

Come on New York City. Give me what you got.

Jun. 27th, 2017


I'm so fucking bored. I swear I'm gonna burn this house down if the woman bitches at me one more time. Titus please come get this woman before I see if she can fly.

Jun. 18th, 2017


PSA courtesy of NYC Hospital: Wear sunscreen SPF 30 at least. Yes, even when you're in the city. Sunburn hurts and cancer is still a thing.


Perhaps instead of the Hamptons a trip to France is in order this year. It's lavender season after all and rumour has it that a certain Monsieur is planning a family gathering back at the villa. Spending some time there with the little ones and the not-husband-thing would be lovely.

What are your summer plans, my lovelies?


To whom it may concern: I am no longer responsible for every single mongrel death in this city. And even when I was, many years ago, it was limited to citizens of Brooklyn. It's 2017 now. I'm sure they've all learned how to kill each other for reasons which have absolutely nothing to do with me.

Merci xoxo

[Private to Julius]
Butler tells me you plan on staying at our humble abode for the rest of the month and would like to know whether or not you will be bringing guests. I think it's his way of asking you not to bring the Nubian.

[Private to West]
Have you ever considered being your own boss? As in running a nightclub perhaps?

[Private to Gerard]
Marie had the presence of mind to bring your phone an laptop along when she fetched more clothes. I'm not sure where she put them, though.

Jun. 4th, 2017


[Text to Aodhan]
» So the statue of your likeness is actually a cake.
» A life-sized cake of Your Highness.
» The lads are asking if they can eat it.

Jun. 3rd, 2017


It's almost summer, well officially anyway. Sometimes it all becomes a blur.

May. 24th, 2017


For those of you not heading up to the Hamptons and choosing to enjoy the holiday weekend in the city, we'll have the party going at LUX all through the three-day weekend. Special extended hours Friday through Monday, operating from sundown to sun up.

And in the spirit of Memorial Day, all active duty and veterans can enjoy free cover and half-priced drinks all weekend long.

May. 21st, 2017


One bad apple can spoil the whole bunch. Sadly true of anything perishable.

At least in the modern era it's a little easier to bounce back. No need to burn and salt the earth, so to speak.

Private to James
That's the last time we do business with the Colombian. Nearly half a million in ruined stock at last count. If it turns out the bastard knew I swear I'm going down there to rip his heart out myself.

Private to Zara
Steer clear of the house for a few days. A nasty bug has been spreading at work and I don't want to risk you catching it. I'm having someone come to sterilize the house just to be safe.

May. 17th, 2017


Every once in a while the cards fall just right, justice gets served, and a little faith in humanity and the system is restored. Over time all the little victories will add up. Or at least that's what I like to think.

In the short term, at least the city isn't tearing at itself from this early summer heat wave. Although I probably just jinxed it and Memorial Day weekend will be crazier than usual.

May. 7th, 2017


Having your face put on billboards is disconcerting.



I'm glad



May. 3rd, 2017


Photoshoots can be a drag, but the occasional free jacket or purse and the photographer's number usually balance it all out. At least there were no kids or wild animals this time around.

Private to Alicia
My calendar got all messed up when my phone updated, is that industry party this weekend or next? And the radio interviews are... Wednesday? Or was it Tuesday? Sorry, I really should keep a paper calendar for a backup. I'll pick one up when I go shopping tomorrow.

Texts to Eric
» Sorry for all the phone tag
» Been a rush to get album stuff done
» This time of year is really competitive
» I miss you
» Lunch this week?
» Or a midnight coffee break if you don't have a day off?

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