Posts Tagged: 'location:+sanguine+garden'

Apr. 14th, 2013



[No Subject]

Who: Natasha and her mother
What: Nat's not in school. She's confronting her mom and soon meeting with death for some Chicago-style pizza supernatural reference
Where: Sanguine Garden
When: Friday, April 12th, late afternoon
Warnings: Cursing, stabbing, and possible death

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Jan. 26th, 2013



[No Subject]

WHO: Open to all!
WHERE: Hogsmeade
WHEN: Saturday, January 26, 2013, all day
WHAT: Hogsmeade Weekend

[OOC: Just a reminder that there is a map of Hogsmeade available to everyone. If a store you want to play at isn't listed, just leave a header for it and you can play away!]

Oct. 20th, 2012



[No Subject]

WHO: Open to all!
WHERE: Hogsmeade
WHEN: Saturday, October 20, 2012, all day
WHAT: Hogsmeade Weekend
WARNINGS: None at the moment

While it was nice a few weeks ago, today it was cold and raining at Hogsmeade. The breeze was cool and the rain seemed relentless. It would switch between being heavy and light. Vendors and shop owners were ready with rainy day sales and umbrellas to shelter everyone. The restaurants at Hogsmeade seemed most appealing of all, with hot butterbeer and hot cocoa, coffee and tea ready to warm up even the coldest spirit. The smell of fresh, hot food also wafted through the streets. It also seemed that Sanguine Garden was gaining popularity. Wherever the students wanted to go, there was still room, even if there was a crowd around.

[OOC: Just a reminder that there is a map of Hogsmeade available to everyone. If a store you want to play at isn't listed, just leave a header for it and you can play away!]

Sep. 22nd, 2012



[No Subject]

The Daily Prophet )




WHO: Open to all!
WHERE: Hogsmeade
WHEN: Saturday, September 22, 2012, all day
WHAT: Hogsmeade Weekend
WARNINGS: None at the moment

It was the first day of autumn and it was a beautiful day. There sun shone warmly down on the students of Hogwarts while a cool breeze drifted past them. It was the first Hogsmeade outing for the season and it was turning out to be a great day. Vendors and shop owners were ready with deals and specials for the kids. The newest items and accessories were out on display. Fresh desserts were lined up in the windows and the smell of grilled food and sugary sweets was made to entice everyone. If there was a need, there was a shop at Hogsmeade to fill it.

[OOC: Just a reminder that there is a map of Hogsmeade available to everyone. If a store you want to play at isn't listed, just leave a header for it and you can play away!]