16 May 2011 @ 10:39 pm
Drabble Day: Prompt No. 24, goodnight and goodbye, YOU ARE FABULOUS.  
Okay, lovelies. We're posting the last prompt a bit early to give those who still want to give it a go a bit more extra time. You've got an hour and a half until Drabble Day officially ends (you can still add drabbles after that, they just won't be eligible for the prizes, whatever those turn out to be.)

Thank you all so much for participating! You've been completely amazing and made this such a fun experience! We'll be back sometime soon with prize announcements, etc., but for now, have a big fat group hug and our sleepy, groping thanks.

And here's Drabble Day's last prompt: Incest. Have fun with it!


Drabble Day is officially closed. Thank you for playing! <333
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Aldi: AWZ: Öztürk hug[info]aldiara on May 17th, 2011 04:11 am (UTC)
Re: Ozturks and blow jobs
First of all, YAY, I'm so happy the abandoned prompt got some love too!

Secondly, WOW YUM! *fans self* This is seriously hot, and I fully expect you to entertain me with more when we hang out in hell together :D Love the image of Marian listening to Deniz scream and squirming. Mhmmmmm.
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