16 May 2011 @ 08:51 pm
Drabble Day: Prompt No. 22  
Drabble Day is drawing to an end. There are just two prompts after this one, and three hours to complete any outstanding prompts. If you're like us, you're probably getting a little weary and need a little inspiration to get you towards the finish line. So how about some Timo Pretty In Uniform?

Prompt No. 22 is: the end of all things
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amo_amas_amat[info]amo_amas_amat on May 16th, 2011 11:58 am (UTC)
one minute to
Lars sits in his chair, IV attached, looking out at the lake frozen beyond him. He’s been watching the same pair for hours, they keep messing up the same combination and he wishes he could call out to them and show them the link they’re missing. But this is his third stroke and he can barely speak at all now.

Mike rolls up behind him. No problems with his voice and the liver failure means he uses it pretty viciously still. “He needs to catch her with his left hand.” He murmurs. Lars nods gratefully and Mike wheels him inside.
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Lilith: awz-contents are fragile[info]lilithilien on May 16th, 2011 02:00 pm (UTC)
Re: one minute to
Great. I was just perving over their girly makeup kink and now you're breaking me with OAP woe. Oh Anna, dammit, I love this, that as maddening and painful and frustrating it is for them to age, that they're still together (and still haven't changed). Damn, you're good!
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amo_amas_amat: Olars love[info]amo_amas_amat on May 16th, 2011 03:01 pm (UTC)
Re: one minute to
And and and Lil, in my head, Oliver is there in the background, fussing and caring and being all doctor-y while they bicker/glare. OAP OT3 <333
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Momo: Awesome Oliver by Wildepet[info]momogermany on May 16th, 2011 05:30 pm (UTC)
Re: one minute to
So much love for this! OAP OT3 <33333
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Christine[info]spaghettitoes on May 16th, 2011 08:46 pm (UTC)
Re: one minute to
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Aldi: AWZ: Deniz is sleepy[info]aldiara on May 17th, 2011 04:24 am (UTC)
Re: one minute to
Oh god, woman, what are you doing to me?? *sniffles* This is such a gorgeously captured moment - they're still THEM and still insufferable twats, but argh, the underlying things, the fact that they're still squabbling after so many years! (and yes, Dr. Oliver MUST be here too, lol). I AM AWIBBLE! *clings*
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