16 May 2011 @ 08:51 am
Drabble Day: Prompt No. 10  

Greetings from your morning drabble mod. What prompt are we on? Ten? Really? You guys are insane, it's like you were writing every hour or something!!!

No reason to stop now. Prompt No. 10 is: 20 YEARS AGO
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Aldi: AWZ: Mars sees you[info]aldiara on May 17th, 2011 05:10 am (UTC)
Re: If we met before all this.
Awwww. Gigantor-boy! They should just hire Meyerhoff and make him prescribe a diet...

eh, no, nevermind, Current canon does not exist. This is PERFECT, and clumsy hulk-skater is too! *paws*
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