16 May 2011 @ 08:51 am
Drabble Day: Prompt No. 10  

Greetings from your morning drabble mod. What prompt are we on? Ten? Really? You guys are insane, it's like you were writing every hour or something!!!

No reason to stop now. Prompt No. 10 is: 20 YEARS AGO
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winterlover: AWZ - Annette smiling[info]winterlover on May 15th, 2011 10:15 pm (UTC)
20 Years Ago
20 Years Ago (AWZ-Drabble)

"Would you have thought that this would last so long?"
"Never! With all the quarrelling 20 years ago! All those ups and downs."
"But it always led to reconciliation."
"I know, the making-up always was lovely. But there was something lingering and building up which I never expected to be masterd."
Roman shifted his head in Deniz' lap and looked at him lovingly.
"The adoption changed that, that was a necessary completion of the family."
Deniz caressed his cheek.
"And you really want to organize a surprise-party for Annette and Ingo's wedding-anniversary?"
"Yes! It's Little Bergmann's 15th birthday as well."
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Momo: Annette coffee by giorgia[info]momogermany on May 16th, 2011 06:56 pm (UTC)
Re: 20 Years Ago
Haha, you almost got me there, except knowing you, I expected a twist! Lovely!
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Aldi: DeRo: Giggly happiness is rare[info]aldiara on May 17th, 2011 05:08 am (UTC)
Re: 20 Years Ago
Awwww, nicely done! I'm glad Annette and Ingo finally got their kid. Bless.
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