16 May 2011 @ 05:59 am
Drabble Day: Prompt No. 7  
(hahahaha, No. 7. hahahaah. shup, it is ridic o'clock here, and everything's amusing).

One time, just one time, I would like to write a drabble, love it the way it is, then check the word count and find it is 100 already. Gaaaah.

Ready for another prompt? Doesn't matter if you're not, you've still got most of the day. Keep rocking this shit!

Prompt No. 7 is: Lipgloss.
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Aldi: AWZ: Axel sparkles[info]aldiara on May 15th, 2011 06:46 pm (UTC)
Wow, let's see if we can find the common thread here...

-Vanessa's pining after Nina and her lipgloss
-Nina is dating Axel who secretly has a fetish for her lipgloss
-and steals it and leaves it in his desk
-where it is found and used as lube by DeRo
-and eventually Vanessa gets enough of pining and enforces glossy Nina-snoggage (possibly we need a step in between the last two.)

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