alsha ([info]alsha) wrote in [info]no7_awz on December 29th, 2010 at 07:24 am
OMG THIS IS BRILLIANT! Yeah, I totally love the parody angle - wow, if all angsty/impatient/heartbroken moods could be framed by such pretty and dramatic walking, I could people-watch all day and the WORLD WOULD BE A BETTER PLACE. At the same time, there's so much power in those scenes. You can parody them as much as you want (brilliantly, did I mention that?) but you can't take away from the actors and the scenes the intensity of emotion and talent that's involved. This vid makes me intensely aware of my love for the show - which is a huge accomplishment above and beyond what you've done with the characters and the music and the continuity and the funny...

*big hugs, whoever you are* Absolutely adore this. Well done. <333
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