08 December 2010 @ 01:00 am
hohoho fest gift | for [info]vitacrudelis  
Title: Damaging This Apartment
Artist: [info]hannah_dee
Recipient: [info]vitacrudelis
Character(s)/Pairing(s): DeRo, widgy bit of Marc
Summary: Alternate Roman/Deniz POV woobie vid post-Marc. Set to a song about a Cheaty McCheater who may or may not be named Pablo.
Music: Damaging This Apartment – Billie the Vision and the Dancers
Artist's Notes: Mad props go out to M & and D for their help, and S for basically being a failsauce-repellant lifesaver. Techno!fail means this is ever so slightly out of sync. I'm sadfacing but will try to fix it should spare time ever become a reality instead of a foreign concept.

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amo_amas_amat: tacklepounce[info]amo_amas_amat on December 10th, 2010 09:44 am (UTC)
I LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS VIDEO! Thank you Mystery Vidder! I'm with everyone and the DeRo 3.0 rewatching. I love the song and all the clips are perfect and I love that it seems to be speaking to us as well, like a bit taunting of the fans because we can't get over it either and it's for all the reasons you put in the video. Does that make sense at all?!?!! If it doesn't, what i'm trying to see is I LOVE IT and IT HURTS BEAUTIFULLY.
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