28 October 2010 @ 06:21 pm
HOHOHOFEST | Check-in and Beta Sign-Ups  


How are you guys doing?! Everyone chugging away at their assignments? We’ve got just under a month until the deadline, so you’ve still go plenty of time to finish (or start *cough cough*) your gifts!

If you’re having problems or just need a cheerleader and/or a friendly groping paddling to get in gear, let us know! We’re here to help!


A few of our participants mentioned needing a beta, so if you’ve got some extra time and are willing to pitch in and help out a fellow Eskimo, please leave a comment below. You do not have to be a HOHOHOFEST participant to volunteer your beta-ing services! If you missed sign-ups or are just sad you weren’t able to jump in the fest, this is a great way to get involved!

To sign-up: Comment below with your name, email, and anything you are unwilling to read (squicks, pairings, etc.).


If you need a beta even if you have already emailed/informed us contact us again at hofestmod@gmail.com. Please include pairing, length and rating info as well as any warnings so we can match you up with a suitable beta. DO NOT COMMENT BELOW WITH THIS INFO. Everyone will see it, and the secret will be out about what gift you’re creating!

We haven’t had any requests for non-fic betas, but if you guys need art/graphics/vid betas, please let us know and we’ll put out another call for volunteers.

We’ll be putting up information about headers and how to submit your gift soon so watch out for that!

Happy Festing!

Your HoHoHoFest Mods
RedCouchAddict and ShellyDKitty
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Lilith: awz-fanfic[info]lilithilien on October 29th, 2010 07:16 am (UTC)
Chugging away, both at coffee and the fic. I have a good outline and 1000 words, so panic levels are low so far. But I reckon I'll need whipping spanking cheerleading in a few weeks. WRITING IS HARD, Y'ALL!
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geekchick1013: AWZ Wild-Ozturk Family Portrait[info]geekchick1013 on October 29th, 2010 05:14 pm (UTC)
I'd be happy to beta either fics or vids.
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Aldi: DeRo: Giggly happiness is rare[info]aldiara on October 29th, 2010 06:03 pm (UTC)
(This has nothing to do with anything, but something about the font in your icon made me automatically contract their names into Wiztürks. And now I CAN NOT STOP GIGGLE. Because obviously that is what they shall be known as from now on. WIZTÜRKS WIZTÜRKS WIZTÜRKS! CHANT WITH ME AND GIGGLE.)
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geekchick1013: AWZ Wild-Ozturk Family Portrait[info]geekchick1013 on October 29th, 2010 06:56 pm (UTC)

Have I mentioned I love your brain? Because I do. *gropes your brain*
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[info]praderwilli on October 29th, 2010 06:19 pm (UTC)
Vids can be beta'd? How does that work exactly? I've been playing around with vidding, so I'm curious.
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geekchick1013: AWZ Vidding DeRo[info]geekchick1013 on October 29th, 2010 07:09 pm (UTC)
I haven't actually been involving in betaing vids from either side really, but I think it's mostly about whatever feedback the vidder is looking for. Hopefully something a bit more general than "tell me if it sucks" ;D

I would probably look for thoughts on timing, whether the POV made sense, anywhere that it might drag or be too fast, or if the effects are either over- or underwhelming. And, of course, whether it sucks LOL
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[info]praderwilli on November 3rd, 2010 02:44 pm (UTC)
Oh, okay thanks. Is it considered bad form to not beta a vid the same way it's considered bad form to not beta fic? Can I pepper you with questions about vidding? Or am I annoying you?
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geekchick1013: AWZ Hee![info]geekchick1013 on November 3rd, 2010 03:30 pm (UTC)
Haha YOU CAN NEVER ANNOY ME. Feel free to pepper me all you want :D

From what limited experience I have in The Vidding Community, most people DON'T have vids betaed. I could be totally wrong here.

IDK, it's weird, the idea of having a vid betaed actually feels a bit odd to me. Probably because I never really have. *shrug* It feels like I'd be WAY more sensitive than I am with fic betaing. Like any perfectly kind, constructive criticism would make me flail about and turn into a five year old and not even want to finish. I'm not really sure why that is. Maybe the vids are more personal to me than fics or sth. Or maybe it's that what makes a vid good or bad can be so subjective. There are so many elements that make or break a vid to each individual viewer that you'd have to find a beta who really matches your style/taste for the betaing to be even remotely helpful or successful.

Something like that o.0

I have more thoughts on it, but I don't want to TOTALLY hijack this post LOL
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[info]praderwilli on November 3rd, 2010 03:51 pm (UTC)
</i>I have more thoughts on it, but I don't want to TOTALLY hijack this post LOL</i>

Yeah, I was worried about that, too. Can I email you with my questions? I see that your addy is posted on your IJ....
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[info]praderwilli on November 3rd, 2010 03:51 pm (UTC)
Oops, html fail! LOL
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geekchick1013: AWZ Celine Simone[info]geekchick1013 on November 3rd, 2010 07:11 pm (UTC)
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Christine: ModPostAxel[info]spaghettitoes on November 1st, 2010 04:35 pm (UTC)
*slips back behind laptop*
I returned to it during after my holiday and with a healthy word count already am ready to jump back in.

All the help I need is to not go over the top and I have my wifey for that :)

Also YAY! You guys are so organised, I am awed and love you dearly for your fantastic-ness.
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