12 June 2010 @ 03:27 pm
Drabble: Undersigned  
Title: Undersigned
Author: [info]alsha
Fandom/Characters: Alles Was Zählt, Celine Laffort
Word Count: 100 words
Rating: G
Summary: Fictional-Essen psychotherapist Samantha Unterwelt has had enough of vacuous conversation and the inevitable water damage resulting from her patient's deep welling of tears on a regular basis, posing, she might add, a considerable hazard to health and safety. She has filed a separate report in this regard.
Disclaimer: RTL can have her.
A/N: I was told in no uncertain terms that I'm a mindless and ungrateful consumer unless I contribute something to this challenge. Fortunately, Celine gets my creative juices flowing - who would've thought?


Name: Celine Laffort
Date: 24-6-2010
Assessor: Samantha Unterwelt
Reason for Suspension of Therapy: Boredom

Over the twelve weeks of her therapy, the patient in question has exibited behaviours incompatible with the expectations of her overseeing counsellor and proven resistant to the treatments recommended as per the terms of her counselling. Due to a persistent and marked disinclination to change habits that are demonstrably uninspiring in her interactions with others, it is the decision of this assessor that a requisition be submitted for the institutionalisation of this patient. Supporting testimony is available from the offices of EKP Inc.

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Lilith: awz-pixie!Simone[info]lilithilien on June 12th, 2010 06:21 am (UTC)
LOL you had me at water damage.

I'm also very taken with the phrase "demonstrably uninspiring" - that pretty much sums up Celine!

(I happen to think you're contributing plenty to the EKP machine, but I won't turn down more fic, should your creative juices continue to flow. LIKE CELINE'S TEARS.)
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alsha: Firefly: Inara smile[info]alsha on June 12th, 2010 06:29 am (UTC)
Glad you liked!

(I argued as much, but your brainthird is a very stubborn woman and she was giving me That Look, the same one that accompanies statements like "I don't believe in gravity"... which basically amounts to no amount of rational argument will suffice to get me out of this. So I caved. As I usually do.
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