19 May 2010 @ 05:32 pm
Podfic: Schön by lilithilien (Deniz/Roman), read by paraka  
Title: Schön by [info - personal] lilithilien
Reader: [info]paraka
Fandom: Alles Was Zählt
Pairing: Deniz/Roman
Length: 6:54
Link: MP3 | M4B

Summary: Deniz is tired of thinking, but Roman makes it hard to forget.

Notes: Thanks to [info - personal] lilithilien for letting me record and the beta. I've been trying to get her into podfic for a while now, so it's fun to see her all excited about this project.
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paraka: NF-Sens![info]paraka on May 20th, 2010 04:38 pm (UTC)
Yay! Podfic love! ♥

And yes, there are always edit catches when podfic is done. Something can sound ok in your head but you notice the offness of it when said out loud. I've also gotten a little more bold lately about fixing obvious mistakes/typos just so that the reading can be smoother, otherwise things can sound really awkward.

And you used a hockey icon! *LOVES*
I was kind of flailing over what icon to use because I only update my icons like once every 3 years so often don't even have icons for fandoms that I'm really active in, let alone ones I'm only peripherally in. On LJ/DW, I used a completely different icon, because the only hockey icon I have loaded over there is the one I used here, and it's a little too sense, and little less recognizable as a hockey puck.
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